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*NO* Zelda 2 'Palace of Haste'


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ReMixer Name: Mawnz

Real name : Måns Åberg


website: http://soundcloud.com/mansaberg

user id: 50327

Name of game: The Legend of Zelda: Adventure of Link

Arrangement name: Palace of Haste

Name of song arranged: Palace theme

My own comments: My first remix of any kind. Also my first drum n bass attempt. The reason why I decided to remix this song? I don't really remember, but I think it just popped up in my head or something... Also, I like piano :3

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Pretty good for a first attempt at a remix.

Just some quick observations to hopefully help you continue to improve.

The piano sounded too thin, and the sequencing sounds too mechanical. You need a warmer, more realistic sound to that piano. Right now, it significantly drags the arrangement down, because it sounds too stiff and inhuman.

The way the beats faded in around :11 was really sweet; nice work there.

The way this was mixed, the leads sounded distant. Not sure if that was intentional, but it makes the sound feel like it's unintentionally not upfront enough.

The beat pattern from 1:42-2:38 was too repetitive over the long haul. See what you can do to introduce some subtle variations earlier so the song doesn't drag out.

You did a decent job personalizing your arrangement approach. This needs some additional attention to details (piano, mixing, beats) to better realize the potential here. Just being honest, you might be too early in your skill level to improve this where it needs to be to pass. That's not meant as an insult; give it an honest attempt and see how far you can take this, and use the Workshop area to solicit advice and feedback.


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Like Larry, my immediate thought once hearing the intro was the piano was way thin and mechanically sequenced. Beat is also really robotic sounding with the constant hihat pattern and lack of velocity or timbre changes.

You seem to understand how to bring your own personalizations to the track, but the production has a ways to go TBH. Don't feel bad, though, this is better than my first attempt for sure.

I'll echo LT in recommending you check out the workshop forums for some additional help during the development of your tracks and hit us up again when you feel ready. :)


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Good sentiments, this is definitely solid for a first remix. the arrangement itself while straightforward has some nice understated variations and such going for it. Some of the juxtapositions later in the track of the various melodies can get a little awkward, probably a few clashing notes in there, otherwise not bad though.

Gonna have to agree that the production is where this is taking a hit right now. the piano as mentioned is a little plinky and stiffly sequenced. The kick and snare were also a bit weak, didn't quite have the kinda thud and snap you want In a dnb track. Dug that pluck synth though, was a nice, effective choice.

Some hits, some misses, overall not bad. Hopefully these critiques will provide helpful. :) you seem to have a grip on using your DAW, now it's just about training your ears for quality production and exploring that source material a little more deeply. I'd consider hitting up our workshop forum as well, if you haven't. :)

Best of luck!


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