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I'm curious about MusicLab - they promised to FINALLY reveal "Real Guitar 2".

But I'm more curious about Terratec at Musikmesse 2006. I recently called them because I had a couple of questions and they told me that their "long time planned synth" might be ready for the Messe 2006.

Then again... time flies by and a lot can (and will) happen till then. I gotta clog Sonic State's server in terms of videos.


I'm surprised at the stuff TASCAM did. They stepped up their game and decided to go plugin as WELL as their standalone GS3 Solo/Ensemble/Orchestra. In addition it looks like Garritan will have some competition from the GS Solo Violin.. mmm, exciting!

This opens up the doors for Tascam to release a "player plugin" for all the GS3 libraries out there, to compete with NI.


If Tascam releases a virtual Violin, and Garritan too, this means that Synful will be forced to drop prices soon and renew their internal engine.

The Juno-G looks hot. The MC808 will be an oportiunity to "finally" get this grovebox, but with more possibilities (like the MPC2000 and soon the MPC2500 from AKAI, a sample player).

Enlighten me yoozer. Why is the SH-201 so interesting for remixers? I don't follow every newsbit as it comes out. I wait till NAMM is over or something really catches my eye (for example if Kurzweil brings out something new, Musiclab, Steinberg - all the firms that're not "that" popular).


So much about my interest being focused on "Steinberg":


Steinberg announced "Wavelab 6" at this winter NAMM. The most interesting upgrade might be a new "spectral tool" for cleaning up your sound, the implementation of the "hardware loopback engine" as known from Cubase (which is nothing else than just sendingthe data stream out an output and recording it in the same time again after processing via a different channel) and (oh wonder... after over 5 years!) the implementation of a proper VU meter that also works in the K-System standard.

Steinberg never get's out of the shadows of other tools. A better meter could have already been implemented Wavelab 4 (which is 3dB off, it even was in Wavelab 5) and proper "cleaning tools"? Samplitude has that natively. Also dissapointing is the implementation of the K-System that's existing for years now and almost all wave editors have that, except Wavelab of course. Now my "Inspector XL" is kinda useless if I should switch to Wavelab 6.

Steinberg also announced "Virtual Guitarrist 2" as war declaration to Musiclab's RealGuitar - then again, both are totally different tools.

Now it's only a matter of "time" (hours? Days? Musikmesse 2006) till Steinberg announces Cubase SX4 and Halion 4. Then again... with both of those tools (sequencer and sampler) be behind standards again or will other firms outrun them (Native Instruments, Tascam)?

The more I hear from Steinberg, the more am I dissapointed.


Enlighten me yoozer. Why is the SH-201 so interesting for remixers?

It's got USB and computer integration built in. It makes a really nice controller. It's not going to be expensive. It's going to be simple to work with :).

I'd probably want to have it because there's an improved JP8080 inside and this one looks way better, too. Finally those inflated prices of the JPs will be driven down where they belong with the rest of the first-gen VAs.



Click the picture.


Isn't the poly evolver kinda old? I played on that thing last year already. And modular synthesis modules are just not my thing.

Speaking of the SH-201. If you say "controller". Don`t tell methis devil (with a JP8080 included) will only cost around 300bucks. If so, maybe even I decide to get one, but my "purse" will hate me for that for sure.


Okay... is Wallet better?

Sofar...nothing new from Musiclab. Those peeps sure dissapoint me. They swore on their webpage that they'll announce RG2 at NAMM, but I guess it's another one of those "delays" again.

Then again... I'm glad that Steinberg didn't announce SX4. If they did, and it has less to offer than Sonar/Logic/Samplitude, then I'd ask myself why I even bought this shitty sequencer. And that since 1995.


Man, the SH-201 is ugly. The thing does look like a toy, and it's unfortunate that Roland had to choose that kind of design for it. I'll withold judging it until I hear some sound from the thing, but I really don't see how it's going to be better than your average 2xOsc softsynth with detune.

Juno G will suck, you have my word on this. The Juno D was an absolute failiure in every regard, and this looks like it's only a slight improvement.

MicroX and X-50's are basically the Triton LE in smaller form, from what I hear. I have to applaud korg for going after the prosumer market like this, although I've never been a fan of the sounds in the Triton line. Still, if the price is right, I think you'll be hearing alot of these sounds in OCR soon enough.

I'm pretty excited about the Radias though. It looks like an update to the MS2000, and fixes almost all of the problems (low polyphony, bugs), while adding a hell of alot... Formants, it's own effects section, two filters, the step sequencer, multitimbral. Quite awesome, really. I want to hear what this thing sounds like.

EDIT: Price for the Radias sucks though. $1899 US. Pity, Korg should've priced this thing to compete with the ION.

I'll withold judging it until I hear some sound from the thing, but I really don't see how it's going to be better than your average 2xOsc softsynth with detune.

Seems like a JP8080 with more. Also, a key feature is that it has "total integration" like the new Virus TIs..

Man, the SH-201 is ugly.

Screw you. It's gorgeous. :evil:

Juno G will suck, you have my word on this. The Juno D was an absolute failiure in every regard, and this looks like it's only a slight improvement.

It's a Fantom Xa in a smaller package. It's not a rehashed D at all. The Juno D was a rebranded RS-50 (compare the pictures, only difference is the color).

I'm pretty excited about the Radias though. It looks like an update to the MS2000, and fixes almost all of the problems (low polyphony, bugs), while adding a hell of alot... Formants, it's own effects section, two filters, the step sequencer, multitimbral. Quite awesome, really. I want to hear what this thing sounds like.

mp3 demos:


video: http://www.sonicstate.com/news/shownews.cfm?newsid=2608

more review stuff:


EDIT: Price for the Radias sucks though. $1899 US. Pity, Korg should've priced this thing to compete with the ION.

You're not the only one. Street price is going to be $1699 though.


What's the street price of the SH-201, and why is it ugly/not ugly? I can't tell enough about it just by looking at it.

I'm in the market for a small, portable hardware synth. I'm flipping around trying to get something like an Alesis Micron, or maybe a Novation X-Remote 25, or maybe some older Novation gear used. It looks like the SH-201 might be something to consider, though.

What's the street price of the SH-201, and why is it ugly/not ugly? I can't tell enough about it just by looking at it.

Retro color scheme, 303-like knobs, and sidepanels. The original JP is kind of extruded and this one looks like it's properly done from the bottom.

Street price : $595 according to the guy who demo'd it.

It looks like the SH-201 might be something to consider, though.

It is. The Micron's nice too but has less in terms of knobs and no USB.

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