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Supremacy-Cosmic Cataclysm


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-High Passed guitars at 200hz this time which cleared up a ton of bass freqs

-Tried to take some of the harshness out of the guitars

-Added a few more edits

-Boosted kick around 3500 to get more of click

-Numerous EQ and fader adjustments

That opening flute is almost killing me. The only flute patch I have that is velocity sensitive is from EWQLSO and the native reverb on Solo Flute is already far too much. I tried to use fader automation to make up for it instead.

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edit: but you should post your own thread for your mix! Gar, sorry for hijacking your thread. :3

Dun worry, there was one. I just used that as an example of guitar+bass mixing.


Hey Gar, you should make a copy of the project file, then try not high passing your guitars so much on the copy, and instead try dipping your guitars where your bass is. See how that changes the low end power. I'd high pass the guitars on a relatively gentle slope near 25Hz. Something kind of like this.

I think the flute should be louder in volume (rather than velocity of course) by about 0.4~0.8dB.

0:21 is missing some low end to me. Could be that guitar high pass at 200Hz. You may just be overthinking things. You still want that guitar picking frequency for the "presence" to remain along with the bass bite.

For some reason I'm not really hearing that kick at 0:35. I can barely feel it, so I don't think the click is really there yet. It's better at 1:36 oddly enough. Something's up.

1:40 glitching could be a tiny bit louder, maybe +0.2~0.4dB.

Is this on a hard knee limiter? That could be why things aren't getting too loud that easily. Try letting up a bit on the look ahead setting. Just watch out for clipping, or tack on a soft knee limiter next in the chain to transparently catch peaks.

I could feel a little bass at 3:24, but it's not really powerful. :|

Getting there.

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Dun worry, there was one. I just used that as an example of guitar+bass mixing.


Hey Gar, you should make a copy of the project file, then try not high passing your guitars so much on the copy, and instead try dipping your guitars where your bass is. See how that changes the low end power. I'd high pass the guitars on a relatively gentle slope near 25Hz. Something kind of like this.

I think the flute should be louder in volume (rather than velocity of course) by about 0.4~0.8dB.

0:21 is missing some low end to me. Could be that guitar high pass at 200Hz. You may just be overthinking things. You still want that guitar picking frequency for the "presence" to remain along with the bass bite.

For some reason I'm not really hearing that kick at 0:35. I can barely feel it, so I don't think the click is really there yet. It's better at 1:36 oddly enough. Something's up.

1:40 glitching could be a tiny bit louder, maybe +0.2~0.4dB.

Is this on a hard knee limiter? That could be why things aren't getting too loud that easily. Try letting up a bit on the look ahead setting. Just watch out for clipping, or tack on a soft knee limiter next in the chain to transparently catch peaks.

I could feel a little bass at 3:24, but it's not really powerful. :|

Getting there.

Thanks for the comments as always Timaeus.

I was listening to some Satriani last night and I think I found the sound the kick was supposed to have.

little 80's sounding but that doesn't sound like anything i'm using for reference tracks currently.

Going to bring the bass back up too.

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You don't wanna highpass to 200Hz on rhythm guitars. You're chopping out a considerable amount of low-end that you want on them.

What DAW do you use? I wouldn't mind tinkering with this, and sending the session back to you with my changes so you can see what I did, depending on what you use. Let me know. :-)

The kick is still too quiet. The snare could come up a little too. Snare, hats, and cymbals seem dry. Re-add that low end to the guitars, but try a low shelf cut at 200hz by maybe -2db or so depending on how bassy it sounds. If you're unsure, compare it to a popular metal song. I mean an actual pro song, not something from OCR. Then again, that might help too, since that's what you are trying to make. :-)

Bass seemed a little low as well, but it might be ok when you start leveling the other things out.

Try muting everything else and just mixing the band (drums, bass, guitars) then when that's done, move on to making the other elements fit.

Edited by Brandon Strader
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This time i tried going off of the mixing metal at home videos from.....some guy with an english accent. New Zealand maybe?

He had quite the chop on the guitars at 200hz.

My reference tracks for this one are all Equilibrium tracks. (NEW ALBUM IS COMING!!!!!!!) Maybe it's just me but on most of their tracks I don't hear much kick at all.

Mostly just the snare is poking through. Until midway through then you can hear it better.

I'll try a few new things then probably give it a sub later this week.

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You're right, their kick is really quiet on that song. The mixing is not how I would have done it, and definitely not something I'd use as a guide. A good guide would be like Rage Against The Machine's self-titled album, even though it came out in 1992, I think the mixing on that album is better than most albums that come out today. :-o! And it has this memorable tune:

When the recordings are so clean, and the mixing and mastering is clean, you can get away with having quieter kicks because they're still so present in the mix. I don't think that is the case so much with that Equilibrium song but it's not a problem for them because they're a major band on a major label and not trying to pass a song on the OCR panel. ;-)

Having a quieter kick alone, I wouldn't think, is enough to warrant a no vote, but then again there's stuff like this that happened. I even gave a shout out to that mix in my mix notes for Vampire's Kiss and it got edited out. Not sure what was up with that.

. Edited by Brandon Strader
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