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Generic filename is generic.

Need some help with the bit where the sitar kicks in after the strings in the

, which just so happens to be the only good diving theme in the whole Pokémon franchise*.

Yes, those are Roland R8 ethnic drums btw. :>

*DISCLAIMER: My opinion; not responsible for lost limbs, etc..

Dude, did you seriously go spamming people's visitor walls for this?

People will listen if you give them time, but they won't listen if you pester. You posted your mix yesterday; be patient.

Haha sorry, sometimes I get a little antsy. I feel like an idiot right now, so I guess I accomplished the opposite of what I set out to do. I hope I didn't sour anyone, as that's not what I want. :S

I tend to be a little bad at being a newbie, especially on larger forums. At any rate, I apologise for coming off like a spammer, as that isn't what I intended to do at all!

Haha sorry, sometimes I get a little antsy. I feel like an idiot right now, so I guess I accomplished the opposite of what I set out to do. I hope I didn't sour anyone, as that's not what I want. :S

I tend to be a little bad at being a newbie, especially on larger forums. At any rate, I apologise for coming off like a spammer, as that isn't what I intended to do at all!

I know how it feels to be antsy about getting feedback and all. I went through the same phase, but I also learned that feedback requires patience on these boards (due, in part, to how long it takes to respond to a remix)--so I try to provide feedback to mixes that don't have many replies.

OK, so! I'm new to this piece, but I've given it a few listens and I think I can understand the gist of it. I'm gonna do a little stream of consciousness about your remix because that makes it easier for me to write honestly:

The water noise at the beginning is a bit obnoxious to me. The initial sound of waves is nice, but the bubbly part after that was a bit wonky. Okay, moving on! Nice low-pass sounds in the backgrounds, but perhaps with a bit too much resonance. The drum kit sounds odd and out of place--it has too much reverb and is overall too bright, IMO. I'd experiment with different sounds if I were you. The stutter in the main backing chords was a bit jarring, but sounded pretty cool I suppose. Honestly, though, it's hard for me to tell how much this piece adheres to the source due to a lack of melody--I'm assuming you're going to throw that in later.

Good effort so far. You've got a pretty good starting point. I'd recommend listening to it over and over again and cutting out things that you don't like. Don't worry: you'll always come up with better ideas to replace those :)

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