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I've been playing with Guitar Rig 2 lately (it rules!) and I was wondering if I could use the guitar signal to play VSTi synths on my system. Obviously it's not that easy because you can't expect a line signal to play well with something (e.g., Kontakt 2) that has well-defined key maps for multilayer samples, but GR2 has a nifty pitch-sensing module which can be used to affect other parameters.

Does anyone know of a generic pitch-sensor that will output MIDI control notes to drive actual VST instruments? It would obviously be limited to mono input, but I can think of lots of fun things to do with something like that (think Roland guitar synth from the early 90s and the good use Pestilence made of it).



I wanted to post about this earlier on but apparenty forgot:




these 3 are free mono synths triggered by audio input. Just assign them to your line in channel and get going. It's great fun to sing through it, easier than playing guitar in a way because you don't have to worry about accidently playing a second string and getting gibberish due to mono only.

Btw, the same developer also has a guitar multi fx vst:


obviously can't touch guitar rig, but it's incredible for a freebie.


Here are two more free ones that just do the audio->midi thing, haven't tried them though.



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