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Deal on acoustic foam ?

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i just found this guy on craigslist, and i was thinkin, for that price, it couldnt hurt to get me a little foam. i found a tut on how to make my own triangular bass traps ( that dont look half bad) so im good there. but i was curious if there was any way to get scammed on foam . i know some people will say foam itself is a scam, but really for me its more of an issue of is there such a thing as "fake foam" that doesnt do anything but look cool.

heres the ad


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Last year, when my studio was above ground with a leaky window that let all sorts of ambient noise in, I actually covered myself with a memory-foam topper while playing. I would make like, a little kid blanket fort using the foam topper, using the mic stand as the tent pole. It made playing exceedingly uncomfortable, but it actually worked.

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