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A few nitpicks.

The piano was very mechanical, the guitar and bass are muddled/muted/compressed, and the whole track feels overcompressed. The guitar was also a little narrow, both tonally and panning-wise.

Arrangement shows some promise.

thanks for taking some time to leave us your opinion.

I appreciate your comment, such comments are what lead us to improve. We promise to improve in our next cover.



That lead synth is pretty wimpy up against the powerful instruments. Beef that sucker up!

The original content doesn't really go along with the rest of the song very well. It's very cool in and of itself, and if it came from a different game and was supposed to be a mashup, it would be great, but as it is, it's too much for this piece.


That piano needs some dynamics on it. Adjust the volumes and impact of each note to vary, as it sounds veeery binary right now.

As Timaeus said, the guitar and bass are too compressed

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