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This one started out as a stage theme and ended up being a full song.

I actually worked my ass off on this one, on things like making it seem more coherent instead of just slapping down whatever came to mind and sounded right. Also I worked pretty damn hard on the mixing. Not that I usually don't, but I wanted this one to be my best so far.

I'm told that it's close to being over-compressed, but not too bad. I'm also told that the transition after the end of the solo (around 3:12) is kinda jarring, and that the ending is too sudden/isn't dynamic enough or something. I'm looking for ways to make it better so any and all opinions/suggestions are welcome.

Posted (edited)

Came in a little too fast. Anyone who's hearing this for the first time who ignored the topic title would just say "Okay, so it's Rock/Metal. Didn't really see that coming though.". Maybe a tom fill to lead it in?

It's definitely close to being too overcompressed. I'd say turn down the Master gain about 0.4~1.0 dB. The mixing is too loud overall with that treble. Really bright EQ on that first synth lead. It's clashing with the rhythm guitars, and the rhythm guitars are a bit too loud. The rhythm guitars also feel too hollow and sharp without a strong bass. Lead guitar is OK. Fairly obvious at 1:38 that there's too much treble overall.

Synth leads need more expressiveness. I don't hear anything more than plain sustains. 2:32 is muddy. I can't really hear the kick or the bass distinctly enough. A breakdown section would be nice. I don't really want to hear 4 minutes of a wall of sound.

I can hear the strong effort, but there's some more work to be done.

Edited by timaeus222

Though a drum fill or something would have been nice like T said, the intro didn't bother me, personally. However, I listen to a shitload of rock/metal where the rock is in your face right away so that's probably why.

I can't say much about production since I can't mix worth shit. The composition is pretty damn solid overall though. The lead lines are great and its style takes me back to a lot of 90's VGM and speed metal albums.

I think that the ending is too sudden because that last note isn't sustained as long as it probably should be, the build up to it is intense enough though. Just prolong it a bit more, try two final hits instead of just the one and perhaps harmonize the guitar lead at the end with another guitar playing a third above for maximum metal!

Still though, this piece rocks hard.

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