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Posted (edited)

Okay, I'm a complete newbie at this. Listening to the mixes around here, I've already found some effects I want to learn. If you don't know how to do them, even knowing their names can help me.

1. You know this remix? http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02663/

What is that "muffled" effect called, and can it be achieved in FL Studio (Fruity Version, particularly)? And how do you increase/decrease it over time?

2. How can I change EQ over time, similar to how it is done here:

3. How can I get one waveform/synth to "phase" into another one?

If you have any other effects you could tell me about, please do let me know! I wanna expand my palette as far as I can. I have the funds to upgrade, so I will if it's necessary to get these effects.

Edited by DimWiddy
Okay, I'm a complete newbie at this. Listening to the mixes around here, I've already found some effects I want to learn. If you don't know how to do them, even knowing their names can help me.

1. You know this remix? http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02663/

What is that "muffled" effect called, and can it be achieved in FL Studio (Fruity Version, particularly)? And how do you increase/decrease it over time?

2. How can I change EQ over time, similar to how it is done here:

3. How can I get one waveform/synth to "phase" into another one?

If you have any other effects you could tell me about, please do let me know! I wanna expand my palette as far as I can. I have the funds to upgrade, so I will if it's necessary to get these effects.

1. It's a filter, specifically a Low Pass filter. Basically, it allows only the frequencies below the cutoff frequency through, while filtering out the rest. In this track, there is automation to gradually raise the cutoff frequency so the frequencies allowed through gradually increase.

In FL, you're going to want Fruity Free Filter from the mixer window. Right click the cutoff knob and select create automation clip. Now, you can change the cutoff frequency over time by adjusting the automation clip.

2. I'm not sure which effect you're specifically referencing from this track. In the very beginning of the track it sounds like a distortion effect and filter automation. If you're looking for something else in the track, please clarify :).

3. Again, I'm not sure I understand what specifically you're asking here. Have an example?

1. It's a filter, specifically a Low Pass filter. Basically, it allows only the frequencies below the cutoff frequency through, while filtering out the rest. In this track, there is automation to gradually raise the cutoff frequency so the frequencies allowed through gradually increase.

In FL, you're going to want Fruity Free Filter from the mixer window. Right click the cutoff knob and select create automation clip. Now, you can change the cutoff frequency over time by adjusting the automation clip.

Looks like automation clips are only possible in producer edition... hmm... is there any other way to do this than with an automation clip?

2. I'm not sure which effect you're specifically referencing from this track. In the very beginning of the track it sounds like a distortion effect and filter automation. If you're looking for something else in the track, please clarify :).

That's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!

3. Again, I'm not sure I understand what specifically you're asking here. Have an example?

I think that the word I was looking for was modulation. Here's an example:

Those staccato synths have the thing I'm looking for. I have a few synths that do this, but their modulation pattern (if that's the right term) starts over at the beginning of each note. How do I get it so that modulation changes over the span of multiple notes as in the example? Is this also an automation track thing?

I think that the word I was looking for was modulation. Here's an example:

Those staccato synths have the thing I'm looking for. I have a few synths that do this, but their modulation pattern (if that's the right term) starts over at the beginning of each note. How do I get it so that modulation changes over the span of multiple notes as in the example? Is this also an automation track thing?

I don't know FL Studio well, but you can do automation even in the Fruity edition.

Modulation just means change; you need to know what you're changing and how. One common way to make modulation happen is with the mod wheel on your keyboard set to control one or more parameters in your synth (or, just make a pattern with automation drawn in by hand if you have no keyboard or other controller). The other common way of doing modulation is an LFO. You know what oscillators are from playing around with synths, right? If not, I'd go find a basic subtractive synthesis tutorial and read it. An LFO is a low-frequency oscillator, an oscillator that is moving at a slow speed, too slow to be within the range of human hearing. Most synths let you use LFOs to control other parameters in the synth; in this case, it's probably the filter cutoff frequency that's being changed at a really slow rate.

Also, some synths have an option to make oscillators, and/or LFOs, retrigger each time you play a new note, which is what you described happening with the synth presets you've tried. The alternative, often called something like free-running, means that the LFO runs on its own, continuously, so playing new notes won't affect it. There might also be some kind of "legato" mode, where when you press a key and nothing's sounding, the LFO starts from the beginning of its cycle, but as long as at least one key remains pressed (and not always the same one), you can press and release keys without retriggering the LFO.

It all depends on what synth you're using and what it allows you to do, but the synth in the video you linked to sounds like it has an LFO modulating filter cutoff, and the LFO isn't retriggering on each note (and likely starts at the base value each time you press a key when no other keys are currently being pressed).

Posted (edited)
Modulation just means change

you need to know what you're changing and how.

Ho boy. Now I feel silly :<

Anyways, thanks very much! I'll have to dust off the ol' Casio. However, I do try to create an automation clip, but it doesn't work--i.e., I right-click on a knob on a synth, select "create automation clip," and it says I need producer edition. How do you create an automation clip, if not in this way?

Edited by DimWiddy
Ho boy. Now I feel silly :<

Anyways, thanks very much! I'll have to dust off the ol' Casio. However, I do try to create an automation clip, but it doesn't work--i.e., I right-click on a knob on a synth, select "create automation clip," and it says I need producer edition. How do you create an automation clip, if not in this way?

Heh, don't feel silly. Silly is when you should know the answer and don't, or can't be bothered to look for it, but if you don't know the terms, it's much harder to find what you want.

Try this for your automation needs.

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