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EWQL or Garritan


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I do have garritan world instruments, sadly some of the patches have a fair bit of noise in them. On the whole I found them quite lifeless, but this is comparing against libraries several times more in cost running in kontakt, engine etc.

I also have some of Eduardo's libraries (epic world, forest kingdom and others) and that's a good place to put money down for world instruments IMHO, among others. If you go over to vi-control.net, sometimes there are ppl selling these libs used.

Play works fine for me, but I don't use it as EWQLSO is not a good match for what I write atm.

Thanks. Sort of what I was expecting. Listening to the demo tracks on the website was really really underwhelming. Demo tracks are supposed to be amazing sounding examples of the software that work well within whatever limitations the software has. ...and those suck. :)

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