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Hey guys, some of you probably know and used all the freewares by TSE Audio or LePou for your guitars.

TSE Audio finally released the X50 v2.0 tonight and is the 1st commercial version. 40% off the 1st two weeks.

Anyway. It has an IR loader as well as a bunch of impulses included. Many other features (check the website).

You can try the demo version and/or buy it there:







Tried it. The TSE808 sounds just like the original plugin as far as I can tell. I can't hear the supposed difference, but it's nice that it's included. As for the amp sim itself, it's no better than free alternatives like the NC8505 or Poulin LeGion. While it comes with a few effects, the only useful thing is the tuner.

So, while the plugins sound fine, it's hardly a justifiable purchase in my opinion. Get the regular TSE808, NC8505 or LeGion, Poulin Lecab, some impulses and a noise gate and you'll have just as good of a metal tone assuming you know what you're doing.


I like TSE's stuff alot but the X50 (v.1.1 I think it is) is my least favorite head in what I have. An update to the X30 would be pretty cool but I still prefer Lepou's Legion, Hybrit and LE456 to just about anything else.

For roughly the same amount you can go with the latest version of recabinet


Which sounds much closer to having live mic'ed cabs than anything i've heard anywhere else.

When you give away such good stuff for free it gets tough to ask for compensation.

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