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Video Games - How have they affected our society? [Survey included]

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I'm doing research on how video games have affected our society for a college paper. As such, I've created a survey to collect some data. If you would consider yourself as someone who enjoys video games (which I'm assuming most of you do since this site is based around game music), I would appreciate if you could complete this. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. All information will remain confidential and the final paper will not be used for monetary profit. Thank you in advance.

The survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/6F6M5TV

Feel free to also discuss how you feel video games have affected our society in this thread. Do they enhance your social interaction, or take away from it? Is "video game addiction" something we should be concerned about, or is it something that people have been over reacting toward? Should we be concerned with possible negative effects of games (such as encouraging violent behavior)?


I thought it might be kinda short. I tried to make it concise and to the point so as not to steer away people because of the length. The criticism is appreciated though.

In any case, thanks to all of you who have taken the survey so far! I am having a bit of trouble gathering a sizable amount of responses however. Would you guys have any suggestions for this problem?

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