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*NO* Mega Man 7 & Sonic the Hedgehog (XB360) 'H2Oil'


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ReMixer name: jnWake.

Name of game(s) arranged: Mega Man 7, Sonic the Hedgehog (2006).

Name of arrangement: H2Oil.

Name of individual song(s) arranged: "Turbo Man" (from MM7), "Aquatic Base - Level 1" (from Sonic 06).


Mix comments:

I made this mix for Round 4 of the Blue Bomber Blue Blur Collision Competition (a.k.a. B4C2), which was essentially a Sonic vs Mega Man competition. This time, I had to mix "Turbo Man" from MM7 with "Aquatic Base" from Sonic 06 (picked by Cosmic Sounds). My goal for this mix was creating something that could play in an Aquatic Base. I tried to keep some of the feel from "Aquatic Base" in the arrangement too. In particular, I wanted to keep some of the "dramatic" feel of that song.

"Aquatic Base" is a bit hard to remix so to get some inspiration I listened to "Hydrophone Breakdown", which is reflected in the instrumentation I picked (and also in some parts of the arrangement). Also, unlike my other mixes, I tried to add a lot of small details to every section (as in, a lot of ornaments). In the end, I think I managed to create a nice and varied mix with a bit of a "water feel", so I hope you like it too!

Hope you like it!

Source breakdown:

0:00 - 0:55: Chords are based on the progression from Sonic 06. The lead that enters at 0:37 plays the piano melody of "Aquatic Base".

0:56 - 1:17: Lead plays "Turbo Man"'s main melody on a different chord progression. I added strings for a watery mood!

1:18 - 1:34: Chord progression is taken from "Aquatic Base"'s main section (it plays at the end of each repetition).

1:35 - 1:52: Repeat of the first section.

1:53 - 2:22: Lead plays "Turbo Man"'s second melody.

2:23 - 2:31: I like this break (the repeating notes are a nod to "Hydrophone Breakdown").

2:32 - 3:04 This section is based on the intro of "Aquatic Base".

3:05 - 3:25: Repeat of the second section with very different instruments!

3:26 - 4:00: Variation on "Aquatic Base"'s intro again. I like the change at 3:44.

4:01 - End: Piano is based on the third section of "Turbo Man". Chord progression is similar to the original but with a few changes.


Edited by Liontamer
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This is a song with a lot of potential that doesn't seem quite there to me. Part of the problem is that the sections are so varied that it's hard to get everything right. The cool intro with the skittering percussion gives way to a plodding jazzy drum beat with some unrealistic piano. For every two things that are working in this song, there's another thing that's not quite working. It's hard to give detailed advice on something this complex but for the most part, pay attention to the sequencing and make sure it's not too uniform. Many of the problems with the song boil down to that. The snare was also a particularly weak point - it did not have the power or snap needed to carry the track. If you need more detailed feedback, please PM me and I'd be happy to give it. I like the source blendings quite a bit and it'd be nice to see this one get posted.

NO (resubmit)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Off the bat, things are sounding imbalanced to me. The glitchy percussion is pretty loud and a bit grating, while the backing melodic elements are subdued. Next changeup at :29, has the stabbing elements seeming too loud in comparison to sustained notes (though, indeed those should remain in the back, they're just buried) and the melody line.

Beyond that, this isn't quite sounding like a cohesive song which the widely varied sections. Vinnie makes a good point on digging further into the sequencing to improve individual parts. I think, to a lesser extent, stronger transitions could also help. There weren't any that stuck out as really bad to me, but I think they become especially important when you have the larger contrast between sections as you have here.

There's a lot of good stuff here, I think it just needs to be tightened up further.

NO resubmit, please

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, so to start off with, I find that opening chord sequence a little odd because the mode changes on that last chord in a slightly unnatural way which sounds a little odd.

The opening electronic drums have a too exposed hihat, and while the transition to the acoustic kit is a little jarring, I do like the sound of the acoustic more. The lead that enters at 0:35ish is nice, its a little too dry tho.

I like the breakdown with Turbo Mans theme, but when the drums come back in at 1:15, the thin samples serve undermine the energy of your track imo. I have to admit, I do enjoy the variations on display here.

I really like 1:50 - the chords are really cool :)

The second breakdown is cool, but the acoustic guitar is notiably fake during this section.

Its curious to me how what should be a cool transition at 3:05 is slightly jarring, I'd say try and smooth out the dynamic contrast as you make that transition to make it flow a little better. I love the writing tho. Another jarring transition at 3:25ish with a piano that sounds slightly rigidly sequenced.

I have to say, I love the ending. Again, the transition to the ending (probably the least creative and most jarring yet) isn't great, but the material after the transition is great imo.

I think this is a very promising remix, but it just needs a little more TLC. The writing of the individual sections are great, but the samples, sequencing and transitions bring this one down.

Resub it and send it back plz! :D

NO (resub)

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