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Silent Hill 2 Original Soundtracks - (30) "Promise"

Damn, the original is sweet. Just loved the entire feel of the song. Guitar-centric, eh? Wonder how this solo acoustic piece can match up.

Certainly starts off aight. Little barren, but understandably so. Main melody starts at :43. Performance is pretty chill, but doesn't really do anything with the theme.

Slight awkwardness at 1:37. Heard some brief buzziness at 1:55. Nothing major, just stuff I heard; Vigilante will have to break it down better on technique/performance. My bar's admittedly lower, but this should have been tighter performance-wise.

The ending at 2:25 was really abrupt. It ALMOST sounded like the track had skipped, then it just ends with one last strum and a single note. There's some good ideas with personalization in adapting the original to solo guitar, but at only 2:30-long, the piece feels too undeveloped on the arrangement side.

Go for maybe a minute or two more of further arrangement ideas, practice the track a little more to put down a tighter, more polished performance (it's already fairly good, all things considered), and fashion an actual ending for the piece and this'll be in great shape.

Gray points out it's in mono :'-(, which I saw but didn't treat as an issue, as you're just one guy sitting in front of one mic with one instrument. Dunno if you have more than one microphone at your disposal, or if you're even going to bother using selective delay, reverb or whatever to create a stereo effect and make use of stereo placement, but Gray's right in that either of those options would only help the piece in terms of creating a spacious, 3-dimensional setting, especially listening on headphones. If I were listening to you play this where you actually were, sounds would bounce off walls and whatnot; certain frequencies would be more resonant. Duplicating those types of effects provides a much more authentic feel to the performance.

I feel we need a nice, chill solo acoustic guitar piece such as this. Great source choice and good effort for a first submission, Michael. I look forward to hearing your future work.

NO (resubmit)


I can't believe larry didn't notice this was in mono. Geez. :lol: This is in MONO, and frankly sounds like it. Once I heard it I thought something foul was going on. It sounds so flat and dimensionless. Why is this in mono? It sounds like the stereo width is collapsed. Use reverb, delays, stereo widening tools - anything. Also there are double and quad panning techniques that can also help if used smartly. Not to mention, do encode this in stereo, regardless of whatever recording and production set up you are doing.

The mix itself, is actually pretty good. I'd like to hear more expansion here. This feels so underdeveloped and the abrupt ending doesn't help.

I'd like to hear this expanded with at least another minute, up to two.

The performance is generally good, but there's some flubs.

Production has a few issues, beyond the mono issue. Could use some eqing and definitely reverb. But I like the neutral nature of the sound.

Fix these issues and I'll be YES on this. NO for now, please resubmit.


okay, now actually listening to the mix rather than the original:

the performance is....okay. This was recorded direct from the guitar, which explains the thin and dry tone. There's no processing on the track, and hence it's MONO! A lot of the arrangement ideas are interesting, but the mix is underdeveloped.

The biggest problem/s is/are that the tone is both thin and muddy (figure that shit out), and that the performance is fairly sloppy, the arrangement underdeveloped. For the production, you're gonna need at least some kind of signal processing...EQ, amp sim, whatever. get to it.


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