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*NO* R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 'Garage-ception'


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That Andy Guy

Andrew (Andy) Masson



Game: R4 Ridge Racer Type 4 (PS1)

Arrangement name: "Garage-ception"

Original track: "Garage Talk" by Asuka Sakai

I made this remix in Reason with quite possibly one of the silliest ideas I've ever had. "This tune has the word garage in it, so why not a garage/2-step remix?" I think it worked pretty well. Also, this is my favorite Ridge Racer tune of all time, so I had to do a remix of it.


Edited by Flexstyle
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As far as the soundscape, I thought the parts could have used a bit more separation, but it wasn't a huge deal. For a 2-minute mix, there was a good amount of substance given the tempo, BUUUUUT the changes from verse to verse are too subtle, and I would have liked for this arrangement to have more instrumental variation, dynamic contrast, or other development. Basically, if it's only 2 mins, it needs to drive more places in the time allotted. :-)

It's cool, Andy, but it just sounds like it's building to a more energetic second half that never arrives. I'm not saying the energy has to drastically change at any point, but right now this arrangement's just hovering in place, i.e. the core writing repeats too much and the dynamic curve's too flat, and then... it's over.

Hopefully you wouldn't mind seeing if there's any more gas in the tank on this one. /horrible play on words

NO (resubmit)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love this concept, it's a great source to remix, but I have to agree with Larry almost entirely here. Lots of great ideas, but they are just doing laps around the track. (did I just do that? yeah, I totally did) Mix jumps right into third gear and just stays there. (oops I did it again...) The arrangement is just too repetitive. I'd love to hear at least one breakdown section where the chord structure changes.

I wonder how this track would sound slowed down a whole lot, and with some really cool wubs happening (you've got a few cool sounds that make me think some bass tomfoolery will be happening, but it never does). This is just an opinion here (and no wubs are required) but this mix feels too fast imo.

That bass is awesome but it is competing with the other instrumentation and feels too up-front. Maybe try eqing down some of the bass frequencies above 600-800ish Hz, just somewhat. Also you could widen some of the other instrumentation like the e-piano a little more, leaving the bass mostly alone in the middle.

Snare/rimshots are too loud and their patterns are too repetitive. Claps/shuffly thing are a touch loud/dry. (I love that shuffly thing)

Fadeout ending is a total copout. I hope you'll take the opportunity to expand this. I'm a huge fan of sfx, what about some engine revving and fun racetrack stuff? Or is that too hokey?

NO (resumit)

Edited by Chimpazilla
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  • 4 weeks later...

Chimp, you've clearly never listened to much UK Garage / 2-step. :-P This is actually a fantastically-produced example of the genre, in terms of soundset, production values, etc.

Here's my beef, though: this is basically a background track, and it wouldn't be out of place in the game itself. It sounds like it's mean to loop, and therefore doesn't go through the full arrangement stages of a full song. If we could get a version of this that had a more prominent structure to it--maybe do some soloing, get some good ebb and flow going, which would also help elaborate on a sparse-to-begin-with source--then I'd be totally fine with passing it.

Basically, all I want to see is this, but with elaboration, and with an actual start/stop to the song--none of this wishy-washy fadeout stuff! :-P

NO (please resub!)

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