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Hi guys... glad to be here.

Here's what I hope is the first part of a 3 part terranigma mix, from the underworld to the resurrection of the world and the final confrontation


Hope you like it


P.S.: Also check my other project alongside a good friend of mine www.soundcloud.com/the-last-wish-of-aven


Terranigmaaaaaaaa sweet

The track seems overly bright to me...while it does sound bright and clear for a few moments it gets a little fatiguing, needs a bit more middle and lows I think. i would either cut a db or so on a high shelf at like maybe 5k or higher, or add some dbs on a low shelf below like 900 or down...

it's partly the arrangement, i would like to hear a deep but subdued kick drum, or a full fat bass guitar to give it some low end. you should also put your lower string orchestra on a separate track and bring those up some more as that's the only bass you have in beginning besides the low end of the guitar.

nice guitar playing and tone.

the singing i think you should turn up a bit as it should really hit you and right now it's a little buried.

nice transition to the metal part. conversely i think your metal guitars needs to be MORE present, around the 1k-3k range, they don't sound as mean as they could and they are also hidden behind the strings. The bass guitar, here needs to be turned up a bit more and you can also low-shelf it +3dbs or so at 100 to give it some thump.

kick drum needs to be turned up some and maybe add a little 5k-8k to it so it comes through on the treble side. i like to eq my kick drums +3-6db at 50hz then hi-pass filter the bass guitar at 60 with a hard slope so my kick drum is real thumpy and clear. also turn your cymbals and stuff up, can barely hear them.

pro=-tip---send your drums to a send, throw a distortion on it, mix it into taste. makes the drums sound a lot more real

the arrangement itself is pretty good so nice job.

if you like please give me some feedback on the parasite eve mix i posted on this forum ;0 see ya


Nice ambient soundscape. I actually think there are problems in the EQ and playing though that make it fatiguing and loud, and additionally overcompressed.

The piano starting at 0:13 is grating in that it has a resonance and it is somehow sustained in a such a way that it sounds more like a synthetic FM piano, and in that sense it hurts.

At 0:51 - 1:19, it's most evident that the guitar has several moments where it has an isolated loud strum, and I think it's too loud compared to the rest, which for me, detracts from the strings padding that is laid out beneath the guitar. It's also a little stiff.

These two above issues apply throughout wherever they appear. At 2:18, the vocals are indeed pushed back too far, and they are actually saying something, so understanding them is important. I can't understand them.

Interesting shift to metal at 3:03. I think that was well-executed in terms of the arrangement flow and transition. I do however think that there's a distinct lack of bass presence until 3:32 or so. At that point it seems like the bass just creeps in under the radar, and it doesn't feel natural to me. I think it'd be better if the bass was foreshadowing its presence more obviously. It also seems that there are vocals at 3:36 that are completely buried. Unless that is somehow what you want, I don't think that they are necessary there. Personally I wouldn't purposefully hide vocals, in any situation, even if they are merely backup vocals.

Overall, the ideas are good, and they make sense in this context. You have a soundscape that is sensible and coherent, and this is a plausible approach to an ambient/metal remix. I do think though that the slight overcompression (not extremely noticeable), the grating resonant piano, stiffly-played and occasionally loud guitar, buried (unintelligible) vocals, and overly subtle bass entrance detract from this too much. I think this is salvageable, but there's a lot of detail work associated with it too.


Thanks a lot for the reply

I will be checking out the EQ problems in the near future so i'll post a reply when we have them

In respect of the vocals, i indeed put them on a background soundscape because is a hint for another work in progress we have with the last wish of aven, so we didn't really wanted to put it in the foreground... but i understand the frustration and will see if we can solve this

Greetings and thanks a lot for the very professional opinion!

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