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Posted (edited)

ReMixer Name: DusK

Real Name: Dustin Branscum


Website: http://www.itstartsatdusk.com

User ID: 24328

Game: Strider

Arrangement Name: "Kazakh, 2048"

Song Arranged: "Kazakh Theme"

Platform: NES

Composer: Harumi Fujita

Release Year: 1989


Link to ReMix:

Comments: I've never actually played the NES version of Strider. My first exposure to "Kazakh Theme" was from the remix done for the 2014 Strider reboot that was released not too long ago. Ever since hearing that remix, I felt like taking it on, trying to turn it into an even more badass boss theme.

And what game has fantastic boss themes? Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Game OST of 2013, if you ask me. So I decided to do a Jamie Christopherson-inspired remix of "Kazakh Theme". Lots of synth work fused with some pulse-pounding metal. I also included two direct nods to "Rules of Nature": Once in the intro, and again right before the "chorus" of the remix. In a way, this track pays homage to two great composers at the same time.

Enjoy. :)


Edited by Liontamer
closed decision
  • 1 month later...

Cool choice of source track.

Liking the intro so far. Man, once the guitars and drums kick in, this really pushes the levels to the limit (no pun intended). The kick levels plus the really loud rhythm guitars are creating clutter within the louder sections.

The arrangement work is solid. There's plenty of strong source usage along with a lot of personalized writing and changeups of structure & flow.

I'd love to hear some other J feedback to make sure I'm not grandpa-ing this track. But I feel like just pulling back some of the mastering levels so it doesn't hit the compressor so hard may be all that's needed. If not, just lowering the rhythm guitar levels a bit to let the mix breathe more and let elements (like the snare, synths) have a bit more room.

It's entirely possible others will disagree with me, which is fine, but for now I'm gonna have to go

NO resubmit, please


This track is br00tal. :shock:

Arrangement is pretty darned conservative, almost too conservative, but I agree with Justin that there is just enough personalization. I agree with Justin also though, that this is overcompressed. It's relentless! Pulling back the limiter just a bit should help a lot. But right now it's a waveform sausage and everything is mashed together.

I'm not a huge fan of the synth key sounds used here, maybe it's due to them being so loud in the mix from the overcompression. When I hear these keys, like at 0:41-0:48, they just seem too loud and also dry. I'm interested to hear this again after the overall compression issue is addressed.

NO (resubmit)


The levels really don't sound where they need to be on this track. Your rhythm guitars are eating up pretty much everything else, and while I understand that the rhythms are a primary focus of the mix, they're causing everything to sound squished and indistinct. This is an issue I've noticed on a lot of your recent mixes - for example, your Apex 2015 mix or your Technomagmar track from Gameboy 25th were almost painful to listen to without turning down the volume because of how much you're pushing your compressor on the master track. This track, while I don't think it's quite as bad as those other two, still falls victim to some of the same issues.

In general, I like your arrangements and you're obviously quite capable on the guitar, but the way you're mixing everything is just a little bit overdone and it makes it difficult to fully enjoy what you've made.

Also, in general I feel like the synth design here is pretty basic and doesn't really excite me. The majority of your synth sounds are dry and lack much expression, and the patches themselves aren't very intricate so that element of the track is rather forgettable. I feel like the guitars steal the show here, so it's good that the most prominent element in the mix is as strong as it is, but I would love to see some more compelling synth sounds from you in the future.

Let's see what another pass at mixing can do for this one!

NO (resubmit)

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