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*NO* Earthworm Jim 'Retaliation'


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I'm back for my.....8th attempt? I lost count D=!!

Contact Info:

Remixer name: Skrypnyk

Real Name: Andrew Skrypnyk

E-Mail: DjSkrypnyk@gmail.com

Website: http://djskrypnyk.googlepages.com

UserID: 10626

Remix Info:

Game: Earthworm Jim

Song Remixed: Helicopter/Use Your Head

Remix title: Retaliation

Long story short, my first attempt at remixing this sucked ass. I liked the idea though, so I tried remixing again.

The end.

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Wow, treble in this is too much - I've been guilty of this myself at times. Perhaps by giving yourself some time away from this and then listening to it again, you would have been able to hear that. I found the drums to be quite mechanical, but I think that fits the feel of the source game. That said, some compression on them could have given it some more pump perhaps.

Overall, a slightly warmer feel to this mix would have been much better (less treble); as it is it sounds way too harsh to the ears.


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http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ewj - "Buttville ~ The Descent" (ewj-07.spc)

Interesting enough beginning. Drums came in at :16 and they do feel a little bit trebly. Synth guitar at :24 feels too mechanical with the timing. Could have been a chance to add some personalization to the melody rather than playing it out stiffly and verbatim.

Chorus at :58 and the subsequent followup until 1:15 was getting obscured a bit by the beatwork. Work on that balance. Yeah, Malcos is right about the treble. The cymbals needlessly sizzle a hell of a lot. Guitar wank at 1:32 is again buried by the cymbals and drums. Bassline could have been an asset there, but was also too obscured. Even that bassline followed the melody in too straightforward a manner.

Coupled with the beats obscuring the lead and bassline in the first place, the guitar plays through so robotically and the synth has no meat on it. It makes the arrangement feel devoid of feeling and energy. Outside of the guitar stuff from 1:32-onward (which, again, was undermined by the production), the arrangement of the theme was too conservative. A decent base, but this needs a lot of love on the creative end, and some reassessment of the production end. Wish I could be more enthusiastic on this one.


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it's true that the drums are a touch trebley, but that's not as big of an issue for me. i enjoyed the drum programming, except for a few 16th note patterns on the snare....switch up those velocities so it doesn't sound so fake/robotic

though i would like to hear a more involved bassline, that doesn't make or break it for me.

it's the arrangement that's really holding this back. it's pretty conservative, and there's not a whole lot going on either melodically or harmonically.

as has been said before, this is a great foundation for a mix, but it needs a lot more work.


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