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*NO* Solitaire 'La-De-Da!'


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Props for an LOL submission concept; who wants to do the honors? - LT

As a kid I spent days in front of the computer, playing what I consider the hardest game of all time. It was frustrating having so much dependant on luck, but I kept persevering, and on the 11th November, 1993, I finally saw the cards cascade in majestic arcs. The feeling that welled up in my chest was indiscribable, but Microsoft's crack music team understood it well. As such they put the majestic congratulatory 'Ta-da!' fanfare in. I wont lie, tears well in my ears whenever I hear that sound.

Although I'v moved onto the sequal (Spider Solitaire; twice the cards, keeps with the atmosphere of Solitaire, and ups the difficulty... highly recommended), the original Solitaire will always have that special place in my heart. As such, I decided to remix this highly popular tune to give it the recognition it deserves. I'm not sure it does the original justice, but its my special little tribute.




Name - V

Forum ID - 38923


Link -

Source - C:\Windows\media\tada.wav

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We've had enough problems in the past dealing with ReMixes of very short melodies (4 or 5 notes) so I think a remix of a "source" that consists of one chord played twice is simply not acceptable. If we choose to allow this then we're obligated to take any remix of a little fanfare sound effect, or a levelup "ding". It's a cool tune in its own right, but I really don't think it qualifies as a ReMix.


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We've had enough problems in the past dealing with ReMixes of very short melodies (4 or 5 notes) so I think a remix of a "source" that consists of one chord played twice is simply not acceptable. If we choose to allow this then we're obligated to take any remix of a little fanfare sound effect, or a levelup "ding". It's a cool tune in its own right, but I really don't think it qualifies as a ReMix.

Yeah, me and TO were LOLing about how awesome this was, but it's a guidelines violation, since it's mostly original music. Hard to make a viable arrangement off of 2 notes. But we loved it nonetheless!


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