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My Remix:

Remixer Name: RK (Decided to drop the lame old name. You know the one, dont make me say it.)

Real Name: Ross Kmet

E-Mail: rosskmet@gmail.com

Name of Game Remixed: Kingdom Hearts 2

Name of Songs Remixed: Sacred Moon and Simple and Clean (Orchestral Version)

Original Composer: Yoko Shimomura

This song was all about new things for me. It was my first attempt at writing anything in 3/4. It was my first attempt at changing time signatures mid-song (to 4/4 about half way through the song). It was the first song I used hardware for all the synth sounds (Roland SH-32). First time I've tried to mix anything by Yoko Shimomura, first time I've ever tried to master like this song is mastered, blah blah blah.

Anyway, the song itself is supposed to grow from begginning to end. I kind of envisioned the whole thing as starting when Sora enters The World That Never Was, and ending just as he walked through that door filled with light after reading Kairi's letter. I left the ending rather abrupt for a possible "sequel" to the song, but I have no clue if I'll actually do it.

Anyway, I think it turned out quite well, and I hope you enjoy it.



Kingdom Hearts II Original Soundtrack - (226) "Sacred Moon"

Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack - (102) "Hikari -KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental Version-"

Yeah, I thought the LordMaestro name was n00bish. I think your real name's better than "RK", but to each his own.

Anyway, the English version of "Hikari" is known as "Simple and Clean", and the orchestral version in on the KH1 soundtrack, so that's why I snagged it.

That one particular drum snap has no depth; needs to sound more spacious within the soundfield, and you need to more substantially vary up both the patterns and drum tone to create better dynamics through the mix.

Piano sounds OK, but the intro is weird where almost everything sounds like single notes with only a couple of chords; sounds pretty barren, plus the timing sounds really mechanical. Flesh that piano part out.

That e-piano thing fading in from 1:08 sounded really tacky and cheesy, especially as exposed as it was up until 1:15. Harmonizing with the melody, it's OK. Still the melodic stuff is really robotically sequenced. After 1:42, same criticism with the bells, woodwind, and the piano from before. Hats at 1:56 are too loud and just annoy my right ear. It's a cool idea, but shouldn't sound so distinctive amidst the other sounds. Strings in the background at 2:44 also sounded really fake with the note-to-note movements. Heard some various odd notes/phrases in there that, to me, might have been off, but nothing egregious.

Props for an arrangement that attempts to evolve over the course of its near-4 minutes, but the rigid timing the whole way undermines all of the energy you're going for with the writing. Ending's too sudden and not a satisfying resolution. It sounded like the track ran out of ideas, so "let's just end it immediately." Decent ideas, but devoid of emotion and realism in the presentation, so that's where you need to focus your efforts. At least in my opinion, this one doesn't need an overhaul to have a shot; work on the details now, Ross.

NO (rework/resubmit)

  • 1 month later...

sounds pretty wierd...the beginning is very stiff..the string samples are sequenced mechanically. the first minute is pretty akward, the drums dont fit the drapes. er, something like that. the trend continues. the drums seem mashed on much of the time.

there are moments when everything meshes, and it sounds great, but most of this song sounds disjointed.



vig nails it.

the intro is making me twitch from its stiffness. i had a very hard time getting into it for the first minute. that is too long to be that mechanical incidentally. it would be an entirely different issue if it was intentional but i don't hear that; you can tell from how consistently rigid the attack and release of the whole track is.

again, another one of those arrangements that impresses mostly on the merit of the original. so if anything, good taste in music. i like a lot of the arrangement ideas - it is clear to me that you were willing to flex your brain creatively and take it in multiple directions but this is a case of poor execution. so while the blueprints are good, the building is flawed from the foundation up.

you have the right idea but i suggest going back and personalizing the piece, giving it more flow, maybe even more you if you know what i mean.

but for now


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