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*NO* Street Fighter 2 'Chun-Li Pulsemix'


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Here I go,

Hi. I'm yanagin(remix name) and I've been a fan of the site for a while and I have to say that I love it. Unfortunately I don't have regular access to the internet so I can visit a whole lot. Ever since I heard all the amazing remixes on the site. (disco dan is the man) I've been wanting to remix videogame songs.

Well here it is. I just got fuirty loops and been messing around with it non stop for about a week. Here's my submission, its attached to email(only way for me). It's the first thing I created on fruity loops. Its chunli's theme from street fighter 2 called Chunli pulsemix. I guess its a fusion of several different styles but mostly techno and trance. It's not perfect of course, particualarly since I've been having problems with my bass line fading in and out, but I saved the best recording I could and I'm happy with the results.

I wasn't going for something totally original. If anything, this song was a first time fruity loops experiments, so I have alot of obvious elements in the song, but I tried to achieve the best sound and samples I could with them to hone my skills in fruity loops before delving into something more complex. Anyway, hope you like it, hope it gets posted. enjoy.

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I actually really like the arrangement here. It reminds me of a retro club style. Unfortunately, not only is it clipping like mad, but it's the kick that is way too loud. The mixing of the instruments is really off. I think you need to get new/bigger speakers or something. Burn this track to cd and test it on some other sound systems and you'll see what I mean.

The instrument levels are off.


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Malcos basically hit the issue here. The arrangement/concept part of this mix isn't that bad... it could be a lot more straightfoward. The problem is the production, starting with volume levels and EQing. Tone down the kick, tone down the delay you have on some parts, maybe put more reverb on the snare and less delay, that kind of stuff. Check the ReMixing forum for a variety of helpful threads on these subjects. If you want to focus on your arrangement first, I would cut down on the reliance on the same few riffs, or if you really want to keep using them, vary them more. Changing rhythms is a good way to do that. Also, switch up your percussion more. Adding an addition drumline with a different kick/snare rhythm is the best way to do that, in my opinion.


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http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sf2 - "Chun-Li Stage" (sf2-10.spc)

Agreed with both sets of criticism from Malcos and zircon. Some decent ideas, but the sounds are pretty weak, the arrangement dragged on after a while due to the sections being too long, and the mixing of the various instruments was imbalanced. Decent potential; you could be putting out some good stuff in the future provided you keep learning more about the music-making process. Cool first sub, yanagin. Keep improving.


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