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*NO* Metroid 2 'SR-388'


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O-hoy me hearties!

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Remixer name: Nicholai (wish to change my remixer name to Nicholai Duval with this remix, if the remix passes and if it can be done)

Real Name: Nicholai Duval

Remix info:

Game remixed: Metroid 2

Own comments:

I was fooling around with the world theme from Metroid 2 on my MIDI-keyboard and realized that it had some remixing potential as the melodies are quite catchy and the original "percussion" could be transformed into something more up-beat. Long story short: I figured various elements in the original song were almost ment to be placed in the context of something more dance friendly. As far as I knew, it had not been done before although it's not that big a leap of thought. I tried to give the tune a little more oomph and variation, but later made a concious decision to abandon that project due to the simple reason that the melodies did not want to admit of of some forced traditional trance bass sequence - and if your opinion differ, heed the challenge! ;)

So instead I tried to make the best I could of the original elements, but with subtle changes and additions. And the outcome? Not excactly your paradigm change of remixing science, but a pretty tight piece that imho does it's job.

Furhter rhetoric trickery would surely bore you, so here's the tune:


Nicholai Duval

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  • 2 weeks later...

http://www.zophar.net/gbs/metroid2.zip - Track 1 (SFX sampling) & 3

Not bad. Fairly well-produced. The problem I have with it is it's quite repetitive and simplistic. Not quite cookie-cutter techno, but close. not enough to copy-paste the beginning on the end.

As usual, Jesse sums up my feelings in about 2 sentences, whereas I always take 22. The structure is ok, but too straightforward. Beats changed up at 1:24, but it felt like they went on for a lot longer.

Thicker beats came back at 1:51 with a slightly different tone and pattern, only to go back to the same beats and straightforward arrangement from before at 2:18. Vig's right in that this is excellently produced. Just work on more melodic interpretation and variation within the arrangement to keep things from getting stale, and this will be nothing but solid.

Really glad to see you submit something once again Nicholai. I've been a fan of "Oldschool Opening" for years, and I don't even like Terra's theme. Don't stop working on this one in order to show the people that you can still bring it.

NO (resubmit)

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I like the production here. The sounds are all clear and smooth, the mixing is good, and the beats are solid. I do, however, agree with Larry that you probably could have done with more changeups to the percussion, or at least ones that are more obvious. When you're using a 4/4 beat it's pretty important to do that so that the listener doesn't get bored.

Arrangement-wise, this is on the simplistic side. I like the general direction you're taking it, but try to add more of your own interpretation in some way. Vary up the melody, add your own melody, change the chords, write some original material in there... there are a lot of things you could do. Just don't rely on that same riff over and over!

I would like to see a resubmit after more work is done on the arrangement & structure.


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