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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons 'Dragon Funk'


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Game: Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

Remixers: Koelsch1, DrumUltimA, Warfreak2

Name: Dragon Funk



Sort of a liberal take on the Dancing Dragon song from Zelda: OoS. With

Warfreak2 on rhythem and bass, DrumUltimA on drums and keyboard solo, and me

on sax and keyboard background. For the keyboard solo, drumultima used some

type of midi vibraphone. I think its my most solid sax performance to date.

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this is very good stuff. the sax performance, while not flawless, is solid. koelsh's tone keeps improving.

great key solo.

this is a NO. Here's what needs to happen for it to be a YES:

1. Less reverb on just about everything. not necessarily all but at least some of the following, in rough order of importance: bass, piano, guitar, drums, sax.

2. sax should be slightly quieter, relative to everything else. not too much, i'd just like to hear everything else a bit more.

mainly the first thing.

please resubmit.

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http://www.zophar.net/gbs/zeldaoos.zip - Track 21

Some things just needs a little more polish on the timing. The rhythm guitar seemed a bit off when it was in there. While Kolesch was wailing away with the sax solo from :57-1:35, it seemed like the bass guitar timing was slightly off, which only seemed to throw off the perceived flow of Koelsch's stuff. During the piano solo at 2:13, it also seemed like the same problem was there, but I then realized that both the solos just needed to be performed a bit tighter. They're a bit too freeform and don't feel like they're synced up to the supporting players. Touch up the timing to really create some synnergy among the players.

My main issue holding this back was the bass and rhythm guitar seeming so repetitive. After 2 minutes, I got the gist of it, so it could use some more tangible contrast as the song goes on. Right now, the supporting instrumentation has some good subtle changeups, but the patterns nonetheless sounded too samey and dragged the song down.

Great mix so far, guys. The drumwork was pretty well handled overall also. This is pretty damn hot. I agreed with Vigilante's points with the production as well. Consider all of the criticisms and just touch some things up for the easy YES. We want this on the site, no doubt about it. Just push it over that last hump.

NO (resubmit)

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Ooh, this is pretty cool. This is a good concept with a great arrangement, and I don't think there are any major problems to speak of. However, there are a bunch of minor things that start to add up, that I would imagine are pretty easily fixed.

The main thing would be the reverb. Even on headphones, the reverb sounds really excessive. Take Vig's advice on fixing that. Next, the sax performance is quite good, but what's up with those long sustained notes with NO vibrato?! Nearly FOUR measures at a time with absolutely no change in tone, pitch, volume, or whatever. Come on. I didn't think it was possible for live sax to sound mechanical and synthy but I guess I was wrong. However, that's my only complaint about the sax. I really like the rest of the performance. It's vibrant, energetic, and relatively tight. That's why I'm emphasizing how dreadful those sustain notes sound... they bring everything else down.

The drums are solid overall. The only thing I noticed there was that while the little variations and fills sounded great, it seemed like they got off time with the bass every so often. Is this a problem with the bass, or with the drums? I don't know. But whatever's causing it, it's a bit distracting, and it makes the drums sound sloppy. Oh yeah, it might not be a bad idea to process the drumset so they sound a little more present - I would make the snare brighter and compress the kick (use a multiband compressor if you recorded the set all at once) and boost it individually so it's a little more audible. This is more of a personal preference, though, and it might even happen naturally when the massive reverb is toned down.

Lastly, the keyboard solo is wonderful but the sample used there is not very good. If you have the performance as a MIDI, it might be worth trying a different sample with it. It's not a BIG deal but because everything else has that great live sound, the sampled piano sticks out more than it normally would.

Anyway, to reiterate, overall this is very cool. I'm close to a yes, just touch up at least some of the issues we've pointed out here.


Please resubmit!

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