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*NO* OutRun 'The Funky Sound Shower (Frank Hunter) Mix'


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Name: Frank Hunter

Occupation: International Composer/Producer/Techno Dj/Live Perfromer.

Inspired By: Funky Sega Music, Yuzo Koshiro.


Remix Of: Magical Sound Shower (outrun)

Name Of the Remix: The Funky Sound Shower (Frank Hunter) Mix

Reasons for Remixing: Always Wanted to Hear A 70s-style Funk Band Play This Song live.. So took time solwly To Emulate something more alone those lines... Song/Key/ Drum Patterns with alittle more 'Raw' Funk Sound to it.


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The thing that hit me first is the bone dry drums with no reverb on them at all. Kind of takes away from the live feel that the remixer was trying to emulate.

Some very enjoyable steel pan sections in here, and I like the bassline.

That part at 4.19 sounds quite distorted/is clipping. Happens again at 5.01 when those chords come in. At around the 5.42 mark the beat changes to a rather awkward one that spoils the feel, and the mix itself cuts off at the end. I think this needs some more work.


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http://project2612.org/download.php?id=95 - 01 "Magical Sound Shower"

Didn't really get a huge funk vibe from it. I see what you were going for, but the execution definitely isn't there.

I did like the steel drum in there, but throw it into almost any mix and I'll like it. Bassline sounds cool, but was way too understated.

Arrangement's definitely not interpretive enough. Sample quality is pretty low, but the way things were put together was at least enjoyable. Too bad it's more of a sound upgrade than a rearrangement.

Goes for too long with minimal interpretation. Sub it to R:K:O to at least get some pimping for it, but this is a NO-go here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think there's any one element here that sticks out at me as being particularly bad or below our bar. In fact, if this were early in OCR's history I'm pretty sure this would have been posted to the site. However, right now, it falls short in a few areas. As Larry pointed out, the sound quality is somewhat lo-fi and unrealistic. Most of the lead parts are sequenced fairly mechanically which is no good if you're trying to emulate live playing, plus there were a lot of plain sounds used (like the synths and the drumset) that just didn't have much interest to them to begin with. Also, while some of the fills and transitions were fun, they didn't quite make up for the lack of substantial arrangement on the main melody when that came in. The best part of the arrangement is the stuff you did around the middle, which was a very welcome change. Do more of that.

I do like the concept and as I said, a lot of the material in the middle was very cool. The percussive sequencing was good too. My main suggestion would be to focus on doing more with the lead parts - variation in the melody, rhythm, harmony, or all three. Then, I would probably trim the mix down by at least a minute as there's a lot of repetition that doesn't need to be there. With some refinement to the production and arrangement, I am confident that this would be at our bar. Resubmit!


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