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·        Remixer name: Michael Lochlann


·        www.michaelLochlann.net

  • Your userid          53272
Submission Information

·        Name of game(s) arranged : Parasite Eve

·        Name of arrangement : Flowers of Evil

·        Name of individual song(s) arranged : Kyrie

·        Composer: Yoko Shimimura I think

·        Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.

  • My buddy Dorn requested a remix of this song.  I was on a doom metal kick (still am) and had just finished watching the show Flowers of Evil.  So this mix came about, leaden (ha, ha) with distortion guitars.  While the music stays true to the original, the FEEL of the track is quite different from the original, it sounds angry and evil instead of calm and mysterious.  Enjoy
Edited by Liontamer
closed decision

Good adaptation of this source!  It is still eerie, but the guitars do give it more grunge.  As for evil, idunno, the source is already pretty evil even without the grunge!


The drone bass in the intro gets too loud.  I get what you're going for here but it's drowning everything out.  The guitar lead and backing sound very good when they come in.  Drums sound a little quiet but the writing is good and the drums are cutting through fine.  This arrangement doesn't really develop into much, but neither does the source.  I think this arrangement works fine.  I really think that intro drone bass needs to come down in volume though.  Dealbreaker?  I'm not sure yet, let's hear from other Js.


edit 9/16/15:  Listening again, the guitar work is really good, drums are fine.  The drone bass in the intro is too loud to be sustained that long, and the white noise is very plain, could use some effects or reverb and should also be lower in volume.  The rest of the song is really fine imo, but the intro goes on quite long so the drone bass issue does push this into resub territory for me.  Fix it up, send it back!


NO (resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...

Tiny chimey intro sets things up. The bass in the intro portion is a bit rumbly. Upon further listening, I feel it takes up a bit too much of the frequency spectrum. Your chimes remain audible, but your choirs and other elements become clouded in that section. I appreciate the section doesn't last for long, but I would really like to see that part altered to make it fit better into the mix. A dip in the low-mid EQ is probably all you need.


Drums are definitely on the soft side for me. I know these harder rock tracks are all about guitars, but I think the drums are just too drowned out. There are some unneeded lows in your mid-range dominant instruments here that could be toned back to make the entire track clearer. Your arrangement is fairly solid, the song feels like it ends quite quickly, even though it's 3mins long, which is a strong point.


I'm not sure what the others will think but I feel your track is let down in the mixing department. You need to clear up the lows to allow the other instruments to come though, and your drums could be lifted a few db so they are more audible.


NO (please resub)


Off the bat, the sample quality sounds like a bit of a mixed bag for me, with the glockenspiel and rumble bass sounding a bit basic/lo-fi.  On the other hand, though, the choir and guitars are much stronger.


I was a little thrown off by the heavy white noise in the intro.  At first it sounded like an artifact of one of the samples, but it later became clear it was sequenced with the rest.  I get the idea of going for a heavy industrial-type sound, but it just sounds pasted on top and obscures some of the other parts like the choir. 


Guitar performance sounds pretty on point.  I would've liked to hear more high-end on them as they have a bit of a dull tone in the mix.  Drums are definitely a weak point as they have a really thin tone, which makes them sound too quiet when competing with other elements.  The snare and kick needs to be beefed up quite a bit IMO, whether that be compression/eq/etc with what you have here or different samples.


Like Kris said, the arrangement doesn't really develop too much in this mix, which mirrors the way it was presented in the original.  I would've liked to hear more expansion and personalization on the theme.  As is, it feels like we get a single run-through of your ideas, then a somewhat abrupt, quick fadeout ending.  Not a dealbreaker for me, but something to consider.


Definitely a promising start here, keep at it!


NO resubmit, please

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