Chimpazilla Posted September 21, 2015 Posted September 21, 2015 Hello again OCR! I was super stoked that my Food Frenzy submission was not only approved but also the featured Thanksgiving song. I thought for a little bit there that I wasn't cutting it! It was a really great day when I saw that tweet though. This next song I'm submitting is my version of The Ultimate Show (Super Dimentio) from Super Paper Mario, which I'm titling 'The Final Curtain'.Contact Information ReMixer name: GaMetal real name: Jonny Atma website: userid: 53657Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Super Paper Mario Name of arrangement: The Final Curtain Name of individual song(s) arranged: The Ultimate Show (Super Dimentio) Composer: Naoko Mitome, Chika Sekigawa System: Wii Original: Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspirationbehind it, how it was made, etc.: (Taken from"I have had a TON of requests to do this song. I've been planning to do it for a while now (it's actually been number 1 on my to-do list for like a year), but I'm glad that I waited till now to get to it.This is a very complex song, so it doesn't seem to get a whole lot of remix treatment. Once again we encounter one of those game tracks where it's hard to hear exactly what each seperate instrument is doing, so although this isn't the hardest song to play, it was pretty tough to figure out. There's seems to be up to 7 or 8 different things going on at any given time.The original song has 7 different sections (counting the intro), and the only thing I altered was extending the 3rd section to twice the length to give it more of a 'verse' feel. Early versions of this remix had an 8th section that I attempted to use as a bridge after the 2nd playthrough that was going to be a play on the 'Charming Magician' theme, but I hated it everytime I heard it so I took it out. With that said, the arrangement itself is pretty simple: 3 playthroughs with a solo in the middle. I felt the original was already great enough (and had enough sections) to go changing it around too much.I find myself struggling to type much more about this one so I won't force it. I said earlier I'm glad I waited till now to get to this song because I feel like I really hit a stride lately where I'm very satisfied with what I'm hearing, and this song is EXTREMELY fragile and can be very easy to screw up because of how complex it is.I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Ciao!"Thanks once again for reviewing my submission!
Chimpazilla Posted September 21, 2015 Author Posted September 21, 2015 This is a VERY competently played remix of this source. Source use is easily identifiable, great adaptation to the metal genre with great interpretations too. I considered this for a DP until I realized there are areas of straight (or, juuuust about straight) copy pasta. The sections 0:18-1:41 and 3:11-4:35 are nearly identical, with the only exception being the drums, there's a little bit of drum variation between the two sections but the tonal aspects are identical afaict. 1:41-2:39 is also the same generally, but again with drum variation, and with some really dynamite soloing added. That's a lot of repetition in the arrangement. What do you guys think? edit 11/1/15: I'm leaning towards NO also, because of the repetition. Otherwise, this is a really great sounding track. I'm interested to see what Larry thinks of this one. If this doesn't pass this time around, I'd really like to hear it again with the arrangement varied a little more. I hope it will be an easy fix up, because this track needs to be on OCR. NO (resubmit)
DragonAvenger Posted October 20, 2015 Posted October 20, 2015 Hmmmm, this is definitely a toughie. The guitar playing is sweet, for sure, and it definitely carries the mix to pretty big heights. That repetitiveness, though. Not an easy decision. I'm leaning towards a No due to the fact that the sections that repeat are so obviously the same. And while I'm throwing this back at you I'll also suggest humanizing the strings a bit when they're in the mix. My instinct is telling me that you can fix this up without too much difficulty and is love to hear it.i can see this getting a few Yesses, and depending on how things go I might change up my vote. Good luck! No (resubmit please)
Palpable Posted December 10, 2015 Posted December 10, 2015 Repetition is one of my blind spots for sure, but when it's pointed out to me, it really does hurt my enjoyment of the song. Here was no exception. From the beginning till 3:11, this was an excellent remix. Tons of great stuff going on melodically, arrangementally, Honestly, I wouldn't have minded the song ending there because of how much great work you packed into those three minutes. But when you've got almost all the instruments, particularly the lead, playing the same way as a previous section, it's a dealbreaker. Something a little different in the lead would be all it would take to get my YES. Doing another take might be enough honestly, just so that it isn't played exactly the same way. This has to be on OCR. Please give us a revision. NO (resubmit)
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