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My performance portfolio...promoting issues


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I was wondering if all of you here on the OCR forums could give me some advice on which of these two techniques would get my performance portfolio to the most people. #1 Go with the Pro Unlimited Plan on Soundcloud(Upload as many tracks as I want at a lower bitrate for $135/year). #2 pay 5K or more to have the portfolio released as a physical boxed CD set(300 Copies). I'd need a Kickstarter or indiegogo for option 2. which option would impress people like (hypothetically) say the salt lake tribune more: handing them a business Card with my info on it/linking them to my site or handing out copies of My portfolio as a CD box set. I do get faves on my tracks on soundcloud from time to time. plus I don't have to take out a loan to afford Soundcloud. my bottom line question is this: which method will make it look to outside parties like I take my music seriously?

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How serious do you take people handing out mix tapes?


Releasing a physical boxed CD set would be really fancy, even pretty cool, but won't necessarily mean people will take you seriously.  Having a good, clear image of your sound and style, and trying to promote your sounds however you can should be enough for people to take you seriously (if, of course, they're interested).


Throwing your best stuff on soundcloud, highlighting the best of the best and directing people to them should be sufficient, and a lot cheaper.  Having a personal website would also help.

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