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a friend told me about your website some weeks ago. Maybe you like my first remix. It's completely orchestral.

ReMixer name: Terraprisma

real name: Klaus Büttner

email address: terraprisma@larmetal.de

website: http://www.terraprisma.info.ms

user id: (I don't know how to find out, but I am registered)

Name of game remixed: Metal Gear Solid 2

Name of song remixed: Metal Gear Solid Main Theme

Name of the remix: Emma's Last Breath

Comment: I don't think it's too long. I don't wanna cut it.

Thank you very much and have a nice day, Klaus


Metal Gear Solid 2 OST - 01 "Metal Gear Solid Main Theme (MGS2 Version)"

Heh. No one says you have to cut the length on this, but at least go for a VBR encoding to maximize the quality of the sound.

Opens up with some rather dry, rigidly-timed woodwinds, though the strings and percussion sounded a bit better. Didn't make a any connection to the source during the first part (the first 1:36) of the intro, but there's lots of leeway for originality in a nearly 8-minute track. Anyway, things were going on decently, then some very fake and exposed cymbals came in at 1:59.

Moving over into the next section at 2:22 was a jarring quality disparity. Everything sounded admirable, but very synthetic and roughly sequenced. The familiar MGS theme finally came in at 2:56 panned VERY hard right and sounding way too far away, before switching off to some stuff panned hard left at 3:07; glad that idea didn't stick around long, because it wasn't pulled off well.

Instrumentation/atmosphere was still rather thin, but the quality picked up a little bit better at 3:18. That piano at 3:40 though sounded too rigidly sequenced, and the string samples first at 3:59 at were super-dry and fake-sounding (moreso at 4:35 when you placed all the focus on them). That familiar part of the source at 4:51-4:58 (and again at 5:56-6:04) just sounded weak; I hate how the instruments decayed so unrealistically quickly.

Rest of the track basically continues in a similar vein. There's decent enough arrangement and obviously the effort put into having the piece develop, but the execution is really spotty. At its best, the sounds were used half-decently, but at its lower points the track sounded very fake. You definitely need more work at producing the best work possible with these samples. The ReMixing forum can help you along those lines, before you post stuff into the Works forum to get feedback before submitting to the site in the future.


  • 3 weeks later...

hahaha your track comes with a pre-installed length paranoia. not a good sign before even listening to it.

that said, you weren't making a case for keeping my attention early on. the intro was kind of stale and by 2 and a half minutes, there were some really crazy flute work and then some real awkward bells.

my major bone to pick is that there are a bunch of good ideas that don't go together thrown into a bowl... like experimenting with making salad...

turns out your pre-listen warning about length ended up holding water... i think it is too long at least for what it presently does. it didn't hold my interest for long because of how bland the mix sounds.

you're on a good track but you need to polish this up a bit. go to our workshop and seek help from some of the regulars there. then resubmit it.


  • 2 weeks later...

For this style, with such long notes, the samples really have to sound very good. When working with not so good samples, the arrangement really has to be very engaging. The samples used in this mix really don't blend together and the whole thing comes over as being extremely artificial. It's a good idea, but I agree with zyko that this needs a lot more work, especially in terms of production and mixing.


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