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On the subject of "tip jar" releases for transformative works...

Just Coffee

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Hello friends,


I'm currently in the process of making a bandcamp page where I hope to release stuff I've made and future releases at a "pay-what-you-want" price with a minimum of $0, basically treating it like a tip jar. I plan on including my video game remixes along with my originals and I just have some questions for people who are more knowledgeable in the subject than I am since I want to do this the easiest and simplest way possible without stepping on any toes.


I know that it's pretty safe to put up remixes as long as they don't contain samples from the original work and you're not charging for them. But would putting up the "tip jar" in front of the download link put me in a sort of awkward position between share-alike and commercial release? Would it cause me any problems should the original tracks' copyright holders or other decide to look into it?


Also, I've submitted a track for the OCR Judges' Panel that I'd like to put upload(be it bandcamp, soundcloud, or youtube) as well. I think it's still in the submission inbox since I haven't seen it pop-up on the rejected list. I've read the FAQ and I don't think I read anywhere on there that tracks submitted shouldn't be uploaded elsewhere for public listening and/or sharing. But I just want to make sure, is it alright for me to upload the track with the same tip jar and not have it cause any problems if it happens to get approved at a later date here on OCR?


Looking forward to reading your replies on this. Cheers!


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But I just want to make sure, is it alright for me to upload the track with the same tip jar and not have it cause any problems if it happens to get approved at a later date here on OCR?


Nothing in our Submissions Agreement prohibits this, so you're good.


With regard to the general question, here's my personal two cents:

  1. I think it's less effective BUT a bit more honest/direct to have the "Download" link be separate from the "Donate/Support" link, to make it explicitly clear that the music in question is being offered for free.
  2. My understanding of Bandcamp's policies is that you have X number of credits/points (or something like this?) before you can no longer offer music for free... this bothers me, as does using Bandcamp as a platform for free releases, because they're ultimately a for-profit company, they're motivated by $$$ (not a bad thing, just saying), and they don't seem like a great PERMANENT home for free releases because of these reasons. Nevertheless, they're easy, and they're popular...I just hate to think of a future years from now where people single-sourced their free stuff on Bandcamp and because of changed policies or expired accounts or running out of credits, it's no longer available.
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  1. My understanding of Bandcamp's policies is that you have X number of credits/points (or something like this?) before you can no longer offer music for free... 

Thank you for mentioning this. I hadn't noticed this at all while I was setting up. They top you up with 200 free downloads per month apparently.

Sadly, Soundcloud has a similar limit on a per track basis. So I'm still looking for the ideal platform to do this free-but-you-can-donate thing whilst I get started.


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Sadly, Soundcloud has a similar limit on a per track basis. So I'm still looking for the ideal platform to do this free-but-you-can-donate thing whilst I get started.


For me, at least, that solution is still Bandcamp. I just chuck a mirror to the album in the file description so that if I am out of free credits, people can still get the album for free.

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