Liontamer Posted August 24, 2006 Posted August 24, 2006 I can't believe I'm actually doing this. Well, I'm a new remixer, so if I get accepted (right...), you'll have to add me or whatever. I hope I filled out all the tags correctly. Here we go... ---------------------------------------------- ReMixer name: Hylian Lemon Real name: Benjamin Hoffman Email address: Forum userid: 13156 Link to ReMix: Game ReMixed: Metroid Song ReMixed: Norfair Comments: I was working on a Metroid medley a while back, and when I came to the Norfair theme I realized it would make great remixing material on its own. I wanted to do it in a style different from the medley I was working on, so I decided to start this. Whatever style you would call it. Um, yeah. Anyway, I hope somebody enjoys listening as much as I enjoyed making it. It may not be the best quality, but I had fun. ---------------------------------------------- Something's telling me I forgot something, but I always tell myself that, and I don't know of anything I left out. I'll just have to ignore myself and send it now. I've already checked everything a hundred times. Something's probably missing anyway. XD ----------------------------------------------------- - Track 4 ("Norfair") Very fake drumkit opened things up here. Melody's handled by some poorly-sequenced woodwinds. The strings being used to pad the track seemed too loud and were causing some mud. Gotta look at the sound balance for this one. Everything was in-yo-face loud at the same time; you need to have more distinct background and foreground players; IMO, pull the drums and supporting instrumentation back. I'd point out specific times, but it's simply a constant problem through out the 4 minutes. Making everything loud just exposed how the performance didn't sound realistic/organic; it's up to you to refine the presentation. As is, I think you've got a great arrangement concept and solid enough writing. I dunno how you managed to come up with something so solid from such a bland, empty source. (I like "Norfair", BTW, it just doesn't sound very inspiring as a standalone track.) But you gotta work on the execution by better balancing the sounds and humanizing the performance more. Keep on it, Ben; get feedback from Works and ask specific questions on determining levels and humanizing drums, winds & piano in ReMixing. NO (resubmit)
Malcos Posted October 6, 2006 Posted October 6, 2006 Arrangement has been done well, however it's the production and mixing that is the issue here. The mixing is quite off, especially at points like 0.28. Every instrument needs to have it's own place, and everything sounds terribly muddled up here; my ears don't agree with a lot of the instrument and octave choices, the flutes in particular at the end were hurting my ears. Keep working on it, not bad for a first submission. I agree with Liontamer in that the WIP forums would be a good place to get feedback from. Work on your mixing, panning and eq techniques. NO
big giant circles Posted October 7, 2006 Posted October 7, 2006 Gonna get the ball rolling by saying that I'm very impressed with your success in livening up such a short and dull source tune. Let's face it, the Norfair theme is not one that would cross most people's mind as an easily remixable theme. I give you mad props for sculpting it into what you have. My main beef would be the production issues. The attack on the strings starting at :10 is a little late and throws a big red "phony" sign up over them. Melodic winds there at :26 are way too muddy. The whole soundfield gets cluttered, and I think there may be some clipping resulting as a result. I liked the 007 cameo there at 1:22. I'm not sure if that was intentional or not, but pretty fun . I'd say that overall, the mid to mid-low just simply dominated this track, which is why it sounded so muddy and cluttered. The only exception was on the flutes in the high range, which got a little too loud several times. And again, the attack on the underlying strings tends to fuddle things up. I'd also strongly encourage you to get a little more funky in your stereo mixing. Don't be afraid to get a little extreme with the panning of certain instruments in certain places. With the exception of the marcato strings which I believe sounded panned slightly to the right, and the drums (which are more than likely already stereo-preset) Everything sounded like it was smack-dab in the middle. Throw in some crossfades. Throw in some cross-panning. I guarantee that alone will cut down on the sonic clutter by a good 40%. Great ideas and great interpretation overall, bro. I look forward to hearing a tweaked Larva x 2 down the road. NO tweak/resubmit
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