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ReMixer name: Prometheus

Your real name: AHA!! That's a mistery yet to resolve!!

email address: yesterdaygeneration1750@hotmail.com

website: None yet.

Name of game(s) ReMixed - The Rise of the robots

Name of individual song(s)

ReMixed - The Supervirsor (Track 10)

The game's original soundtrack was composed by the almighty BRYAN MAY, guitarist of QUEEN. The game was released on a few consoles, such as the megadrive, but only the SNES version was a good game and featured nice animations, playability and good sound quality.

comments about the mix

Well, i've been trying to get a mix in overclocked for the last 4 years!!!.

Finally, I decided to study all your musical tastes. And this is what i've got. A funky-ized synth piece, with a good sound quality because of the "compressor-work" , some strong and sticky drum'n'bass, a COOL solo, a good chorus and the search of new sonorities and musical forms within the electronic music.

Before this i though calling the remix RoboFunk, or something alike. I'm not sure if the name's allright.

Since i didn't get much feedback on the Work in progress thread, I decided to submit.

The song comes in TWO flavours. That means TWO equalizations. The mastered version and the not-so-mastered one.

The Not so mastered sounded better on the car, but the mastered sounded better on the PC . So, choose the equalization you prefer.



Just click on the links and follow the instructions to download.

I'm willing to resubmit if necessary.

enjoy ;-)

  • 3 weeks later...

Is this allowed? Submitting two versions of the same song, and asking us to pick which one we prefer?

The mastered version sounds like the unmastered version has just been made louder with a 'smiley face' eq applied to it. When you've got not so great speakers, always go with the 'car' version imo. So I'm gonna judge that one.

Re-arrangement is quite minimal by OCR standards - apart from the solo part, the original theme is played here again and again. The drums get quite repetitive after the second listen through of this, and I don't personally think that the 80's sounding drums really go with the synth sounds.

Nothing special makes this stand out, drums are repetitive, not much added to the source, and a very weak ending.



http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=rotr - "The Supervisor" (rotr-10.spc)

To be consistent, I'll judge the unmastered version like Malc did. The mastered version did sound nice and beefier, though. Arrangement was fairly conservative, but personalized with the sounds used, along with the different rhythms and new beatwork. The beat pattern was well written, but didn't vary much, so the various pattern quickly got repetitive.

Something new for the melodic synth at 1:28 would have been a good change of pace. 1:42-1:53 was flooded and needlessly loud. 1:56 starts retreading some of the previous arrangement ideas, with some different beatwork and supporting spices for the main verse, but the core of the arrangement was basically repeating with minimal variation, which was disappointing. 3:05, another iteration of the main melody quickly before the finish; not really a strong or creative close.

You've got a decent foundation here, especially in terms of trying to create a different feel to the source material, but the arrangement was ultimately underdeveloped. Vary up the drum patterns more, continue to personalize the arrangement of the theme but take the concept in other directions. You had some good ideas at the outset, then didn't bother to significantly change them over time. Keep at it, bro. And stop hating on the other music here. I SEE YOU! :-P

NO (rework/resubmit)


what is this? you think this is a marketplace? which melon is ripe?

come on, finish a track and submit it

that said, this is pretty finished and nice. the unmastered version sounds fine to me. i refuse to listen to the "mastered version" as the entire matter is terribly trite.

i think this rocks. it only suffers from a general dynamic problem. when it gets really busy around 1.50, it is just too chaotic. on a personal level, i dig it. but the problem with that is that it clutters the listener. great choice of source; brian may was a brilliant writer. this benefits a lot from the source and ultimatley is where this mix has the most problems.

the intro is very stormdrum-ish. makes me think of the intro to a guy ritchie movie except that once it gets goin, it becomes jarringly static and fails miserably at engaging your listener. then the insane solo/mindfuck that comes shortly after.

in the end, it was enjoyable but i cannot see it to a yes. the groove is great but you rely too much on the strengths of the original and don't develop any substantial personal contributions.


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