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*NO* Sonic the Hedgehog 'Green Hill Zone Jazz Arrangement'

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Cool interpretation, I'm a big sucker for jazz ensembles and this has all the right vibes. Very competent soloing, nothing flashy but it works well here! For the most part, I like what I'm hearing.


Just a few things that are holding it back for me - right now, the lead guitar sounds like it has been copied and pasted several times with no variation on the articulation, so that main riff actually becomes kind of grating to hear over and over again throughout the arrangement, even though it feels like the rest of the track is changing up and sufficiently varied. Try re-recording several takes (or sequencing different variations, if this is actually a sequenced guitar... I can normally tell but this one sounds like it could go either way) to get more personality with each repetition. Even subtle differences should make a world of difference here.


Lazy fadeout ending, not a dealbreaker but I'd love to hear something more conclusive.


The ride cymbal pattern is weird - the swing doesn't seem to match the rest of the track, and because it repeats literally for almost the entire song on the same riff, it really gets under my skin. That needs to be addressed for sure, IMO.


Very close, I think your arrangement and overall writing doesn't need much work, but those few nuances are really holding this track back from being totally successful.


NO (resubmit!)


Agreed with Wes 100% here.  That guitar could go either way, couldn't it... the repetition of the exact same take of the motif does make it sound sequenced to me.  The swingy hats don't really compliment this arrangement for me either, perhaps it would work if the swing only made cameos and wasn't the entire length of the track.  It could be cool as a little fill, but the rest of the track is swing-free so it feels awkward as a continuous groove.  The brushed snare swirling is too loud and dry I think.


I'm not honestly sure that this theme goes very well with the backing chord structure that has been set up, maybe if there was a little bit of variation on the main motif it would fit better harmonically to my ears, but perhaps I'm just grandma-ing jazz, this is a possibility.  I think it is the first piano chord in each phrase that is blowing it for me.  Regardless, the main theme repeats too many times verbatim for my liking.


Piano sounds good to me, but the chord pattern repeats again and again.  Overall I'm finding a lot more repetition in this arrangement than I'd like, but the concept is solid.  I'm also not a fan of fadeout endings, I find it a cop out.


NO (resubmit)


Nice take on the original, and largely authentic to the chosen genre. Your intro set things up nicely and got me into the grove straight away, but as the track goes on we hear some repeated sounds and ideas which begin to bring a dampener on the track over time, which is a shame because you're pretty much there as far as the overall feel of the mix goes. I really enjoy your piano work. I'm not as bothered by the guitar as the others, but it is still noticeable that it's the same thing each time. Even playing the guitar melody with different timing in between the notes would suffice. I think the mix is decent as is, but would be a shame to pass it now when it could be made substantially better with a little variation thrown in.



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