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*NO* Kingdom Hearts 'A Song for My Beloved'


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MP3 Link: 

Name of Remixer: Geeks and Guitars
Real Name: Chris Chirico
Email Address: 
Website: http://www.youtube.com/geeksandguitars
Userid: 53743 (geeksandguitars)
Submission Information
Name of Game Arranged: Kingdom Hearts
Name of Arrangement: A Song For My Beloved
Name of Individual Song Arranged: Dearly Beloved
Additional Information (OC Remix Song Link): http://ocremix.org/song/21211 
Comments: I previously submitted a track from Breath of Fire 2 (http://ocremix.org/community/topic/40780-no-breath-of-fire-2-the-two-winged-princess/). Many thanks to Emunator, Palpable and Nutritious for taking the time to listen to it and the feedback! I decided to submit this track in my second attempt - a much different feel than the other but hopefully it'll have a better chance of being considered a remix instead of a cover due to the instrumentation, variations on the theme, improvisation and additional chord changes that I added. Really hope you dig it! 


12:00 of the video


Edited by Liontamer
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The light electric guitar work in the background at :55 after the sax took over as lead felt like aimless noodling and didn't add much, but it's not invasive or anything like that, so I can look past it. The arrangement opened pretty strong otherwise.

The extended sax comping was odd (e.g. 2:18-3:39) and aimless, which was more of a problem for me. Also, when is the source tune coming back? It's not enough to just improv stuff over a loose chord progression, but that's what happened from 1:52-on without looking back. While I liked the energy of the guitar work at 3:40, that changeup was a chance to swing back to focusing on the "Dearly Beloved" theme. Finally going back to it at 5:01 for less than 30 seconds was merely paying lip service to it.

Submission Standards and Instructions said:

4. Arrangement

3. The source material must be identifiable and dominant.
* While interpretation and original additions are encouraged, arrangement must not modify the source material beyond recognition.
* The amount of arranged source material must be substantial enough to be recognized.

IMO, even if you timestamped this and counted some of the loose usage of the theme on the keyboard, the source tune isn't used in a way I'd consider dominant when thinking about the standards.

Aside from some issues where the improving sounded unfocused for too long, this was a solidly produced and performed piece, Chris. If you performed a version with more focus and explicit usage of the Dearly Beloved theme, and reigned in some of the more aimless comping, this would be on very solid ground.

NO (resubmit)

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  • Chimpazilla changed the title to 2015-07/22 - (2N) Kingdom Hearts 'A Song for My Beloved'

I have to agree that the source is definitely not being used accordingly here. I also agree some parts sound a bit aimless, but overall this is well-produced and well-performed. The deal breaker is definitely the source usage. The arrangement seems to be using source as more of a starting point, rather than a basis for the whole track. I strongly recommend following Larry's advice here!

NO (resubmit)

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