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Dunno if this was worth 7mins, but a ballsy enough approach that I'll push for some comments - LT

Contact Info

* Your ReMixer name: pu_freak

* Your real name: Pieter van Os

* Your email address: pu_freak@hotmail.com

* Your userid (number, not name) on our forums: 27476

* Link to the mix:

ReMix Info

* Name of game(s) ReMixed: Super Mario World (SNES)

* Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Overworld BGM

* Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.:

Alright, this is my first mix for OCRemix and it's a jazzy version of the Overworld BGM from Super Mario World. It started out as a paino Remix, but it finally turned into this. It starts off pretty striaghtforward with nothing too special, with an silent and relaxed part at 0:35. At 1:25 there's a little part of Super Mario Bros 3 in it (too small to be mentioned in the remixed games)., which is simple and straightforward.

After that the normal part of the mix comes. The piano is more lively (all played live on piano by the way) untill a little super mario bros part at 2:28. After that piece comes the big improvisation part, with a slow, almost orchestral piece that lasts untill 3:33, where a jazzy improvisation part kicks in. That blends into the mian theme again at 3:59. It keeps going untill 4:31, where a calm interpretation of the main theme comes (much like bladiator's "Grand Valse Mario"). This is abruptly ended at 5:15 to come with a very crowded and final version of the Overworld BGM where (almost) every instrument plays together. The end is the fanafare from Super Mario 3 and the fanafare from Super Mario Bros in an orchestral version.

I didn't use any program to create it, I just used the Kr-107, an electric piano made by Roland. It's not a very deep ReMix, but nonetheless an ejoyable if I should listen to some commenters.


http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=smw - "Overworld BGM" (smw-10a.spc)

Started off with pretty low-quality samples, especially that GM-ish brass. I see you're looking for the arrangement to carry this one. :-)

Switched over at 1:23 into some brief SMB3 love with the "Athletic BGM", a true classic that gets no attention around here, before segueing back into the SMW Overworld BGM. The texture was so imbalanced. When the vox was in play, it seemed like it should have been the lead, except that it was really quiet.

Abruptly changed over at 2:49 into some original material that has no thematic or stylistic connection with the prior material. We're all for adding original material into arrangements, but it sounded very disconnected here in a way that detracted from the arrangement. Even the transition back into the previous sounds at 3:33 seemed awkward.

Even when you simply changed the instrumentation style of the source tune itself, the transitions were disjointed, like at 4:31. Your more orchestral stuff was at least more pleasant to listen to. Attempted to go for a strong close at 5:14, again with awful transitions at both 5:14 and 5:23, but that GM-ish brass and piano stuff plus the vox all clashing together wasn't the way to go out.

I liked the overall energy, but the parts definitely didn't synch up well at all, with everything sounding rather cheap, imbalanced, and not playing together. You get an E for effort, but not for execution. Keep working towards improving.


  • 4 weeks later...

I agree with Lion about the sax samples, does sound quite cheap. At 0.36 when the 'da' and 'bap' vocal samples come in, it's suddenly obvious that the timing is really off. I didn't think the new section at around 1.20 had a good transition. At 2.04, the vocal samples come in again, I don't think they work well in that section. 5.14 and 5.23 were really bad transitions, and with the addition of the off-timed vocal stabs, really didn't sound good.

I think the piano part was done well, it's just that all the other parts brought the whole thing down.



wasn't really sure what to make of this initially. parts of it seemed kind of rofl-ish; for instance, anywhere in the track that featured the "bop-du-wap" kind of vox.

This track is saturated in the GM feel--pretty much every aspect of it.

I suppose that there's some fun stuff going on in this track. 5:30ish sounded really muffled and cluttered. I personally would have preferred the track to simply end after the 5:00 mark portion was over... and even that dragged on a little longer than it should have.

I dunno. This is not bad stuff, by any means, it's just too--cheesey, and I hate to say it like that, because I don't mean to sound really critical of the track in and of itself--I've heard some terrible stuff--we all have--and this isn't terrible. But the vox in addition to the extreme GM-feel of virtually every instrument, the sonic clutter during the "busy" parts and the gimmicky chiptuneish transitions have this interesting take on the SMW theme falling a few bars shy of the OCR goal.

Fun stuff, just a little long, and definitely craving some better selection in terms of instrumentation, but this would be a great song on any other music tribute site as-is.


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