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*NO* Phantasy Star Online 'The Stars of Online Phantasy'


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-= ReMixer =-

Name of ReMixer: DJ Dajova

E-Mail: djdajova@hotmail.com

-= Remix =-

Game: Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 & 2

Part: Jungle Theme

Grene: A bit of both Ambient and Mellow



Phantasy Star Online Songs of RAGOL Odyssey Soundtrack ~Episode 1&2~ - 209 "Jungle -A lush load-"

Good source tune choice, IMO. I'm a fan of the PSO soundtracks. Not much of fan of your mix title though. Let's get more creative, please.

Pretty cool opening, followed by a laid-back groove. Synths here are pretty decent on the whole, although the highs are a bit loud. That lead synth at :52 though was pretty bland, and the melody wasn't providing much direction. Ouch, that synth choice at 1:27 was no good. Very flat, not expressive at all.

Getting to 2:02, seems to basically repeat the first section. OK, wait...everything's repeating over again. May have been some very minor additions in there, but probably not. Disappointing bro, you got lazy.

Beyond the genre conversion, the arrangement should have been more interpretive. And simply creating 2 minutes of mix, then rinsing and repeating was lame. We're definitely looking for more than that around here. You gotta be more.


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  • 1 month later...

I can only repeat what Liontamer has said really. Everything from the title of your mix to the synth choices were just not original enough, and the high frequencies on the synths are indeed too high. The tune was also quite repetitive - not up to the OC bar just yet. I recommend that you make use of the WIP forum for peer feedback. Keep working on yout mixing.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, upon first listen, first impressions were it seems a little too repetitive. Arrangement really should have more impact upon the final result, rather than relying on repeating what you've already done. It's redundant.

Don't mean to sound really critical, but I found the log-drum-ish part to be a trifle annoying as the track progressed.

This would be great as BGM, but as a standalone, it still needs some work. Production isn't too much of a problem as far as I'm concerned--the high frequencies don't really bother me so much.

I'll vote *officially* after I hear the source, but as it stands, this track seems to repeat itself nearly verbatim at about 2:00, which is kind of a big red "X" on the voting ballot. Cool ideas, but I definitely think the arrangement gives this one a much more "uninspired" aftertaste. Bummer man.

Arrangement really should have more impact upon the final result, rather than relying on repeating what you've already done. It's redundant.

such a cheesy and obnoxious way to make a point, i know

Unofficially NO till someone hooks this bloke up with some source-tunage.

EDIT: k, having heard the source, i really have nothing new to add.

kill the 2nd repeat, add something new.

see previous vote.

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