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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'As the Storm Fades'

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Hey, this is my first remix here, so, here's hoping I get this right:

Remix Title: As The Storm Fades

Remix Link:

ReMixer name: Yllek

Real Name: Benjamin M Kelly

Email Address: yllek666@gmail.com

Game Remixed: Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

Song Remixed: Song of Time


"As one of my favourite songs in the game, I was rather disappointed (and stunned) to find that nobody had yet remixed the Song of Storms from OoT, so I set about remixing it. I was originally going to go for something more upbeat, but somehow, it got slowed right down in my mind, and into my mind came this image of the aftermath of a storm... Then I thought this was kind of metaphorical for the games ending... Ganon's defeat and sealing... It's like the passing of a storm, Hyrule is ravaged, but the worst is over and the rebuilding can begin.

"When the storm fades,

All is still and silent

Save for the beauty of life and love

Which is declared loud as thunder."

Arranged and sequenced in Cubase SX3, this has been so much fun to write, and I can only hope that others find similar enjoyment listening to the fruits of my labour (if such a word can be used!)!"

I hope everything's here and present, and that the remix is considered appropriate. It may be my first fully fledged remix, but I'm very proud of it and a lot of work has gone into writing it; but either way, as I said, it's been fun to write, and I hope others get as much enjoyment from it!

Thank you,



well, to say that song of storms/windmill hut hasn't yet been remixed is a little inaccurate. it's just that none as of yet have been passed.

i'm sorry to bear the bad news, but this isn't going to make the cut either, in it's present form. here's the short and simple of it.

you've got a track that's six and a half minutes long. absolutely nothing changes. it's basically a loop over and over and over and over. no attention whatsoever to the "rearrangement" factor we're looking for here. at first, i thought you just had a long intro going on here, but then, after it kept going, i was thinking "man, 2:30+ is kind of a long intro" as i was expecting it to take a more emotive and refreshing direction, but it just kept it's course. right up until 6:31.

Shorten this one up a bit, and don't rely so much on simply looping the source. Change up your instrumentation. And the metronome-ish cymbal ride is pretty dull.

I mean, I think this does fairly well at conveying the mood of after a devastating storm, as it were, at least initially. but frankly, it's just too boring. you need to find a way to engage the listener. and i don't mean turn it into a 160bpm techno remix. even slow mood tracks can be engaging.


on a separate note, let me just rant for a second. in regards to this source tune in general, i think it's somewhat of a pitfall for remixers to attempt. it's definitely got a catchy riff that can get stuck in your head for hours when playing the game, but it's basically about :24 seconds long. My own personal opinion is that this would either have to be extremely uniquely expanded upon as a stand alone, or else have to go hand in hand with some other LoZ tune to fill up the space and defeat the tendency of over-repetition.

that is all. go back to your cyber-lives now.


http://www.zophar.net/usf/lozusf.rar - 57 "Windmill Hut" (56 "Ocarina ~Song of Storms~") & 44 "Temple of Time" (43 "Ocarina ~Song of Time~")

I wanna clarify for everyone, we have a number of Song of Storms arrangements. The "Ocarina ~Song of Storms~" jingle itself is only 5 seconds and just the first phrase of a longer track. "Windmill Hut" is actually the song people are arranging when they think of "Song of Storms".

Onto the track, yeah, the samples were pretty bland, the tempo was plodding, and the composition itself was repetitive. Song of Time was pasted in from 2:23-2:43 & 5:05-5:24 on some horribly delayed strings. The only escalation the piece had was at 1:12 with the drums and that REALLY quiet string synth in the back. Other than that, this could bore someone to sleep, bro.

Indeed, you don't have to make it a faster-paced song, but it should possess dynamic contrast. On the arrangement side, the interpretation factor was pretty low. Not much interpretation to speak of, just rinsing and repeating the Windmill Hut theme over and over again. You went for the bare minimum of interpretation and creativity, when you could have incorporated more variations, original passages, and dynamic changes into the picture.


  • 2 weeks later...

oh my. this song is too slow to have drums like that. Because it's so slow, all the sequencing sounds really akward. Ideally you could stagger the string note changes. by which of course i mean turn up the release on the pads, and turn up the attack, and STAGGER THE NOTE CHANGES. the other instruments sound mechanical too for the same reason that they are tooo sloooooow.


Oh yeah, when you do the song of time, that doesnt work because there are lots of bad notes. get rid of that.

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