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Here i come with a smoking fresh tune i wrote a couple of days ago, its a

Remix from : Castlevania II : Belmont´s Revenge to Gameboy (Old school, black and white) version.

In a refreshed sound of course.

And im a newcomer to OC-Remix and i wish to add my Remix to the collection of outstanding music.

Alias: [MusicWizard]

Webpage: www.musicwizard.biz

Email: (only used for music stuff only)

This adress i send this email from is my other common adress, so please dont add it.

Best Wishes,

MusicWizard / Taurus1979


http://www.zophar.net/gbs/cv2.zip - Track 10

Ah lame. Yeah, if I were more familiar with this soundtrack, I would have caught something like this, but Jimmy had it covered. Like a Jimmy hat, HAR HAR HAR! [Jimmy edit] stfu, Larry [/Jimmy edit]

Just a MIDI rip with some ultra-bland drums given 2 loops. Definitely a disappointment, but at least the source tune was cool.

Submission Instructions & Standards]In terms of arrangement - how close or distant ReMixes should be to the original - the general rule is that the ReMix should be YOURS. We don't just mean that you were involved in its creation, but that it is different enough from the original so as to readily illustrate the contributions, modifications, and enhancements you have made. In other words, don't just take the original and drop a few drum loops on top. Also, don't simply take a MIDI file and assign new instruments to the parts, or add reverb, and expect that to pass as 'yours'. When we say 'ReMix', we actually mean something closer to 're-arrangement', if that helps clarify. If you listen to most of the pieces on the site and compare them to the originals, you should get an idea of what a ReMix is.

N.O. confirmed in big ass letters

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