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*NO* Rescue on Fracalus! 'Spiritus Fractalus'

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Here's a new C64 remix of mine:

I hope you will like it.

Some informations:

[===== Contact Info =====]

- Remixer name = coucou

- Real Name = Guillaume JANDOT

- email = gjandot@freesurf.fr

- WebSite = http://gjandot.free.fr

- OCR forum userid = 6655

[===== ReMix Info =====]

- Game Name = Rescue of Fractalus

- Name of individual song = -

- Remix Title: Spiritus Fractalus

-Additional information about game:

see http://www.electriceggplant.com/rescue.html

-Link to the original soundtrack (C64 SID) :





http://www.exotica.org.uk/tunes/archive/C64Music/GAMES/M-R/Rescue_on_Fractalus.sid - Subtune 2

Pretty repetitive SIDtune (30 seconds long), yet seemingly ripe for expansion. Intro initially seemed REALLY weak thanks to that bassline from :03-:06, but it picked up nicely once the melody got underway. Conservative usage of the source, but expanded nicely.

Nice original section from :40 that very logically built off of the previous material while maintaining the general chord progression of the source in the background. 1:07 then combined the source melody with the original material.

1:33 went for yet another wholly original section up until 1:47 revisited the source melody with another electrosynth on counterpoint. 2:13's section featured another new section of original material over a background handling the chord progression of the original before rehashing 1:33's section from 2:40 until the end. Ending was pretty lackluster; nothing majorly bad on that level, but still a weak finish.

Clearly not a bad mix. The synth design was lacking, a bit bland; it may bother the others more than it does me. In any case, the overall energy level was good. I really liked the original composition ideas that showed up in combination with the base elements of the source tune; those were exactly the kind of ideas needed to provide more substance when arranging such a brief source tune.

My main gripe though was with the handling of the melody itself. The source theme was played 4 times during the track, and nothing particularly meaningful was done to vary up the presentation between iterations. Do something to vary up the melodic progression, change up the instrumentation and textures more dramatically; do what you can so that the feel isn't so similar each and every time. Even the minor sounds in here that beefed up the soundfield ultimately are too repetitive. To me, attention to those details is part of the difference between a decent rearrangement and a really strong rearrangement.

This is a strong base, Guillaume, but IMO the track needs to be taken to that next level of creativity. If this doesn't make it, definitely consider the criticisms and go for a resubmission. Good luck with the rest of the vote.

NO (refine/resubmit)

  • 1 month later...

Liontamer got all of the issues. The synths in this weren't very interesting sounds in themselves, and there was no modulation applied to the melodic synth, although I did like the bass synth sounds. Percussive arrangement was good, but I thought that the rearrangement of the main theme got quite repetitive as the song progressed, and so were the parts that accompianied them. More work needs to be done to add some more variation to this so it doesn't become boring in the non-original sections.


(Please resub)

  • 2 weeks later...

In agreement with the other judges.

Everytime you kick into a new section, my ears perk up and start paying attention to the direction the mix goes in. However, once it hits that source melody again, it sounds like you're just rehashing the same idea, and I get dissapointed.

Re: synth design, yeah isn't groundbreaking, but I think it's appropriate for what you've set out to do. Not a huge issue for me.

This is a fantastic start, just throw some more variety into how you interpret the source material itself, and that may push this over the bar. Best of luck if you decide to resubmit.


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