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Posted (edited)

ReMixer name: VelkkuEvilBastard
Real name: Veli Matti Suhonen
Userid: 35294
Name of game arranged: Castlevania (NES)
Name of arrangement: Wicked Bastard
Name of individual song arranged: Wicked Child
Composer: Kinuyo Yamashita
Link to the original soundtrack:

Own comments: I have loved this song from the moment I played Castlevania for the first time when I was around 10 years old. I try to be pretty faithful to the original arrangements and bulid my own stuff on top of that cos' it brings my piss to a boil when you have a metal remix of some tune and it's just filled with double kick and "djent", it just feels so lazy to me. Hope y'all enjoy what you hear!

Edited by Rexy
  • 1 month later...

Starts off as a pretty vanilla metal cover of the source, but branches out after one run-through.  It's a great arrangement.

Production needs some work, though.  It lacks clarity severely, with everything squashed into either the mids or the sub-bass.  The lead guitar in particular is constantly muffled, and as it's the star of the show, this is a dealbreaker.  In 1:34-1:58 I didn't hear it at all until my second listen.

I really only have that one issue, but it's a big one and it'll take some doing to clean up.  I definitely want to hear this again--I'm sure I have a dozen remixes of this in my collection already but more doesn't hurt!

NO (resubmit)


I wish I could accept this track based on the title alone. :D

The arrangement is simple, yet fun - a straight-forward run-through for the first variation, textural changes in the accompaniment with a guitar solo in the second, and back the other way for the key change at the end.  The performances are also tight, the lead guitar has a wild expression to it, and the pacing is robust.  It won't blow minds, but it can undoubtedly melt faces off, and I can't fault it for what it set out to do.

However, the mixdown is rough in comparison.  The bass and rhythm guitar dominate so much of the soundscape it's squashing everything else down - and if I can't feel that raw power from the lead guitar or even the snare, that makes the sound design problematic.  It's the one issue that sinks the entire thing, so if you still have the project file, it'll be lovely for you to go back in it and see how to make those necessary EQ cuts to give everything their presence.

As it is, it's a fun take on one of the sweetest sources from the original Castlevania, and I'm all for seeing it on OCR at some point.  If you can go back into the mixdown and clean it up, I'm all for looking into it again.

NO (resubmit)

  • Rexy changed the title to 2019/04/06 - (2N) Castlevania "Wicked Bastard"

Good arrangement, starts conservative but builds up over time, soloing was great!.  I'm ok with this arrangement-wise, but the mix is not good production-wise.  It all sounds very muffled and muddy, a lot of mid-low frequency content, lead guitars are drowning in the mix, lacking clarity.  This needs a second pass production-wise to clear the mix, separate the elements, and give it some air and brightness.

I do want to see this back in the panel with fixes though.

NO (resubmit)

  • Sir_NutS changed the title to *NO* Castlevania "Wicked Bastard"
  • Rexy locked this topic
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