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Okay, the beggining is a bit too repetitive and that bass drum you have going is a bit to loud. These two factors combine to make the intro a little annoying.

You haven't done anything with the melody. It sounds exactly like the original. You just added drums and repeated some parts over and over again. This is'nt that bad if your just making it for fun but if you plan on submitting this to OCR you might want to do more than repeat parts and add drums. Play around with the meldoy, add parts, and try some other things. You could try building off of this or whatever you want. The main thing that bothers me about this is that bass drum. IT JUST POUNDS AND POUNDS AND POUNDS. Unless your trying to give people a headache I'd turn it down some or change drums. You should also try to repeat parts a little less, it gets a little iritating. Otherwise a good start but it's gonna need a lot of work.


that ways it's u.s. hardhouse. it a techno forum sound of house combine into hardcore/gabbe. this is what i do and this is how people like it in the rave party. you got to get into the groove. plus u.s. hardhouse made house heads and hardcore lover like each other at the clubs of l.a. strip back then when dj irene was around doing u.s. hardhouse. if you don't understand what i talking about. go to your local mall and find a music store and find these dj's

dj irene-globe house 1 & 2,audio underground

darren r.-history of hardhouse

dj exodus-hardhouse generation 1 and 2.

dj venom- raise the volume 1,2,3, and straight bangin 1,2,3, and house blend8 and gabbe goth core.

look these dj's up and you will see what i'm talking about. i been doing this music for 2 years and people who love this sh$t and it make them go crazy on the dance floors.


0:00-0:56-Does get repetitive, but if that's the way you want it, then do it. See if you can mess around with the velocity, make it zany like your main part.

0:57-1:57-Love it. Crazy. Keep it.

1:58-3:31-Mix it up a bit here too. I'm no music critic, but it starts to get graiting.

Then again, listen to my first attempt at the Goldeneye RA remix (Frag Fiesta). Oooh boy. My first version almost put me to sleep with repetitiveness. Basically, screw with the knobs sliders, turn tables or whatever else you got, add some new drum loops if you can. Still, this good.

0:00-0:56-Does get repetitive, but if that's the way you want it, then do it. See if you can mess around with the velocity, make it zany like your main part.

0:57-1:57-Love it. Crazy. Keep it.

1:58-3:31-Mix it up a bit here too. I'm no music critic, but it starts to get graiting.

Then again, listen to my first attempt at the Goldeneye RA remix (Frag Fiesta). Oooh boy. My first version almost put me to sleep with repetitiveness. Basically, screw with the knobs sliders, turn tables or whatever else you got, add some new drum loops if you can. Still, this good.

thanx 4 da comment!


Chopped up original + Repetitive & uncreative drumwork = zero arrangement, which in turn equals a NO OVERRIDE from the judges.

There is just the theme and the drums. That's it. No other instruments. This wouldn't even get on OCR when there was no judge's panel. It's hard to give any kind of specific advice, other than to start learning the basics of sound design and arrangement.

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