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Well, alright. My friends and I have been having this argument. What side would win in an all-out conflict between the Zerg and Stormtroopers?

Both sides are allowed to keep producing more troops, from funding, hatcheries, cloning, or whatever means are used. Zerg have all planets they have captured, the Overmind, the Cerebrates, and Kerrigan. Stormtroopers have the Death Star, Darth Vader, and the Emperor.

Points to consider for the Zerg side:

- The Zerg could warp overlords full of troops directly onto the Death Star, and Zerg Lurkers can tear through metal.

- The Cerebrates can only be killed by the energies of the Protoss Dark Templar, which the Stormtroopers are obviously lacking.

- Zerg troops are nigh-neverending, what with planets covered in hatcheries.

Points to consider for the Stormtrooper side:

- They have two people that can use lightsabers.

- They have the Death Star.

- They have lasers, and are being cloned, as well as recruited.

Now, out of the four involved in this argument, I am the only one taking the side of the Zerg. Please reply with a knowledge of Starcraft and its campaign, as well as an understanding of the Star Wars universe. Thanks in advance.

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