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Group S Challenge - Cut the Corner


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Was a recent MnP compo that I got really into and I'm thinking I'm invested enough where I might wanna submit this after I give it some more polish. I've never worked with this kinda track before and I'm definitely lost in terms of what may need eq there or compression here ?. Some balance issues I'm aware of here and there though. A few spots specifically with the vox are a bit out of wack...

On the creative side the big build up with the riser doesn't end as powerfully as I want. I tried a few effects to cap it off but nothing makes me go "Ooh!" One idea I have though is to use some stock supercar engine rev and acceleration samples so that it gives that launching from the start line type feeling. 



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Non-music related comment:  Nice video used for the track, very cool.
Very cool take on the track and I hear a lot of potential.

Percussion and bass could use compression to bring them up in the mix.  They feel like they should be the driving focus of the track and right now they are pushed back.  Also on the percussion, definitely could benefit for a lot of variation in the patterns; especially the high hats.  The need for variation should be overemphasized because it's such a repetitive source.  I strongly recommend that.

2:10 is the kind of stuff I expect to hear from your work lately.  Nice transistion into this new B section.  Great way to add your own flavor to the track here.

4:40 is the big build up you mentioned, the upper parts of the track work IMO.  My suggestion there would be to look at how the percussion could also help build it up.  A long drum fill? Maybe more unison hits, triplets, or syncopation?

Bass attack is soft and could use some bite to it to help it punch, again; compression would help in this situation.

Now, a question for you that we can definitely work on in the workshop on discord if you would like:  Are you uncertain as to what needs compression or how to apply compression?  Let me know, and i'll be happy to elaborate further.

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I've reviewed your remix and have returned it to Work-in-Progress status, indicating that I think there are some things you still need to work on. After you work on your track and feel that it's ready for submission to OCR, please change the prefix back to Ready for Review and someone will review it again. Good luck!

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