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  • 3 weeks later...

difficult track to remix.

This track is really plodding. There are some cheap-sounding guitar samples, and lots of percussion. LOTS of percussion. I think the percussion would be a bit more interesting if there were a bit more stereo separation, and if they different drums sounded...well..different. with the same distortion on everything, there's really not much variety. sounds like a big distortion mud.

Aside from that, the original soundtrack is only nominally involved with the track. little going on in terms of arrangement.



http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sm - "Maridia Drifting Sand Underwater Area" (sm-25.spc)

Yeah, right off the bat, this sounds like a MIDI or SPC rip with some souped up sounds and effects. Beats entering at :31 were EXTREMELY bland with 0 meat on 'em, the electric guitar synth was really tacky, and everything's got too much of a muddy sound.

Completely agreed with Vigilante's take on this, the percussion writing's the only interesting things going on, but it's too loud, cluttered, poorly produced, and doesn't distract from the fact the the melodic arrangement itself is very uninterpretive.


  • 2 weeks later...

very very similar to the original right from the 'git-go. Bringing in some heavy kicks at :32, followed by some cross-panned hits...

...eventually gets into the full *industrial* vibe around 1:12. Sounds like you're using Slayer--you put this together in FL, I assume? anyway 1:55 has some cool drumwork going on, but all in all the track still has an overly incomplete feel to it. Not enough bass/low-end support, and with the exception of all the industrial metallurgy going on, this could *almost* be considered a cover in the style of said genre.

Back to the drawing board, bro. Some nice incorporations, but not enough to justify it as a reinterpreted piece. Keep at it. I'd like to hear more industrial remixes around here.


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