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*NO* Saboteur 2 'Time and Space (Mastery Of)'


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There is my submission to OC ReMix:

ReMixer name: Inlined

Website: http://tnikolai.nm.ru

Name of game ReMixed: Saboteur 2



This song is my cover to Rob's title of Saboteur 2 - ZX Spectrum version.

The remix actually includes some additional pieces not present in original tune.

That's why I called this music "Time and Space (Mastery of)".


ftp://ftp.worldofspectrum.org/pub/sinclair/music/ay/games/s/SaboteurII-AvengingAngel.ay.zip - Track 00

It's a cool track, but, man, are those instruments rigidly sequenced at times. The delay on those strings entering at :37 was way too much. The beatwork was pretty flimsy, basic, and repetitive. The melodic content was cool, but was buried under the strings and the beatwork, so the track only flowed well when the strings were carrying it.

2:49 seemingly went for a dynamic changeup thanks to a new bassline and some beats dropping out, but then nothing came of it dynamically; it just brought back a similar drumloop a second later. The woodwind-type melody playing from 2:34 seemingly started conflicting with the rest of the music from 2:58-3:15, but maybe that was just me. 3:50-5:12 rehashed :37's section verbatim before subtracting the beats for a string-focused close.

The source tune is really cool and has lots of potential, but the structure for the arrangement here is so similar to the original except slowed down. Following it so closely lead to cutting-and-pasting an early section of the mix later on, which just felt lazy and undeveloped to me. Go beyond a "cover". The instrumentation fills out the soundfield, but the writing is generally too simplistic and looped which hampered the energy level and long-term interest. Lots of untapped potential here; this could be much stronger.


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The groove is good, but the arrangement on this could have had a lot more done to it, compared to the original. There are a lot of sections here which were just cut and paste. Strings were very wishy washy and undefined, and so took away from the tight timing of the other instruments. By the end, the drum beat had been repeated so many times it ran out of groove. Needs more work.


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I think the groove is kind of low-energy here. Nothing really wrong with the production of it, but the tempo is chilled and there isn't a lot of direction. While the original felt highly dynamic and always moving, the remix felt pretty static. A lot of the instrumental parts were also sequenced in a somewhat mechanical manner. The rhythms are simple and a lot of the samples are just on the dull side. I would have appreciated more changes to the texture too.

Larry hit the nail on the head. If this was more expansive and less loopy/repetitive it would be much stronger. Do more with the arrangement.


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