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*NO* Yoshi's Story 'Move Your Yoshi'


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remixer name: MRgoomba

remix title:move your yoshi

plateform: N64

game: yoshi story and smash bros

style: rock (i think ,,,)

original composer:koji kondo (i m not sure )

enjoy:) "yoshi!"


v Original Soundtrack - 02 "Yoshi's Story" & 03 "Yoshi's Song"

The original composer's Kazumi Totaka, FYI.


*Decent energy

*Timing on the various guitars needs to be tighter

*Needs more sophisticated supporting instrumentation writing for better/fuller textures

*Repeats near-verbatim at 1:05 aside from different cameo phrases from other Mario games, i.e. little-to-no development of the source arrangement

*Last section at 1:47 simply petered out

In short, not tight enough, not complex enough, not developed enough.


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I don't know about anyone else, since neither Larry nor Vig mentioned it, but the drums + bass + lead guitar made the mix sound really hollow to me. Ok, I take that back, looking back at Larry's vote

Need more sophisticated supporting instrumentation writing for better/fuller textures

Plus, I'll echo the concern about the level of rearrangement here. You've taken a few riffs and inserted them here or there, but nothing is really expanded upon. Fun little diddy, but unfortunately not geared for the final cut. Better luck next time.

I like your approach, just bring more to the table in future submissions.


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