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*NO* Beatmania 2DX 3rd Style 'Schlagwerk (9mm Mix)'

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good production and lots of energy here. Needs a parental guidance due to explicit lyrics, perhaps DJP could put a little badge next to this.

There are some issues with this mix. The rimshots at 1.06, and particularly at 1.45 (they even seemed to rise in volume before that point!) are much too loud and sound like some repetitive clack-clack sound. Even though they are ghosted rhythmically, it really takes away from the effectiveness of the rest of the beat. Imo they should have been kept low in the beat, indeed I think it sounds better when they are not there. The ending was much too abrupt. I would like to pass this, but the rimshot issue was a big enough one that makes me vote

NO Please resubmit!


beatmania IIDX 3rd style Original Soundtracks - (17) "Schlagwerk"

Badass source tune choice. Tough to match in on a production level, as Beatmania's stuff is pretty slick. Any J can correct me if I'm wrong, but any melody here was only very loosely derived from the source. I didn't hear anything melodic in the source; rather the beats under the melody, starting at :28, were taken from the beat pattern of the source tune. That's the only significant connection I hear. Always pays to check first.

I liked the energy, but the texture could stand to be beefed up and volume in general needs to be raised. Stuff like 1:06-1:18 was unbelieveably scrawny. Arrangement retreads a little bit, but the instrumental combinations are varied a bit. At 2:04-long, the arrangement iself just isn't very developed, and, again, the connections to the source material were very tenuous.


  • 4 weeks later...

I usually approach TaQ mixes cautiously, b/c remixing a TaQ mix is almost like remixing a BT mix. The original piece is already going to be pretty badass, so a remix (at least one in the same genre) is going to have a pretty mighty standard to live up to.

Now then, on to the remix.

K, having listened to the source, you have a very very very very small amount of actual content that IMO can be remixed accordingly to meet OCR qualifications. Nothing against your track, I dig it, I really do (a little short, IMO) but you've basically got a little bass riff that can be heard around :16 or so in Schlagwerk, and another riff that can be heard a little later via the more electrosynth instruments. Both are extremely short, and TaQ doesn't really rely on either to carry the source, but rather act as a filler to add some more density to the overall track so it's not just a beat-only track.

As far as your track goes, it definitely should have been a little louder (yeah, I know I can just turn up the volume, but I hate having to do that, because then my speakers blow up when the next track kicks in). I always hold remixers accountable and responsible for taking care of things like that. Definitely could have used some tasteful compression on top of an overall master V boost.

Matt, your track rocks, but regretfully, I'm going to have to agree more with LT and less with Malc in that I don't really think it'd pay much to resubmit this here. Some tracks just weren't made to be remixed, and this might be one of them. At least not as a stand-alone OCReMix as I see it. Perhaps a TaQ Beatmania medley or something--you could use it as a cameo. But as I mentioned, there's a couple few-second-at-best riffs on loop, alongside TaQ's trademark badass beats in the source to work with. You've got a cool track, but there's really no real (re)interpretation as I see it. The style is pretty much the same, and even though you've got a cool track here, how far can one really go with maybe 8-10 seconds of "melody" to rearrange?

Throw this one up on myspace or something so other's can here it, but it's just not going to fit real well with what we're looking for here.

At any rate, don't sweat the NO, the music is still cool, and I'd love to hear your take on something with more melodic content/structure, so feel free to come on back with another submission or two down the road.


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