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*NO* Mega Man X2 'The Deepness'


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Contact Info:

Damon Campbell (Blue Magic)

bluemagic1984@msn.com or bluemagic1984@bellsouth.net

Website: http://www.angelfire.com/blues2/bluemagic

ReMix Info:

Mega Man X2

Bubble Crab's Underwater Base


I actually did this remix a long, long time ago, and I didn't really plan on trying to submit it back then. I just did it to experiment and play around a little. Eventually, I started working on new projects and kinda forgot about this song, and thanks to some computer problems, I lost the song and the flp file, so I could never work on it again without starting all the way back over.

Just a couple of weeks ago, my girlfriend found a bunch of my old OCR CDs and we gave them a listen. Thats when I found out the she actually burnt this remix on to a CD. After listening to if for a while, she convinced me to try to submit it.

...So, here it is.

Now, I kinda consider the submission a long-shot because, back when I made it, I had a God awful hard time with EQing and making my samples sound more realistic and whatnot, so I fear that will probably be an issue for you guys.

That being said, I am really relying on the amount of creativity I put in this remix. Hopefully, you guys will look past the sample quality and focus more on what I've done to make this song different.

Thanks for reading this long explanation and I hope you guys enjoy it.

You will find my remix posted on my website.

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immediately feeling the smooth latin feel and the cheap samples. The arrangement isnt bad at all, but i feel the track would be a million times better with a real guitar.

At some points the balance is a little weak, in that the leads arent strong enough, so the track seems to float without going anywhere. the vibes and guitar just dont have enough punch i'd say. not to mention the flute that actually plays the melody.

You really need to make that melody stronger, but other than that i'ts a pretty cool track.


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http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=mmx2 - Dangerous Reef (mmx2-09.spc)

a.k.a. Capcom Music Generation: Rockman X1~6 - (151) "Bubbly Crablos Stage"

Crappy tagging on the SPC pack. Hate it when people make up the titles without at least basing them off the game manual or some more official source.

Yeah, the acoustic guitar sounds pretty fake. Sounds seem a bit imbalanced, and while you'd benefit from a real guitar player, it's pretty bleh advice if you don't want to or can't obtain one. Too bad it sounds so rough. It's a bit like Vurez's style, so it's not a dealbreaker. The rigid playing of the strings and mallet percussion though tends to sound more glaring IMO, and that's what needs to most attention in terms of the sample articulation.

At some points the balance is a little weak, in that the leads arent strong enough, so the track seems to float without going anywhere. the vibes and guitar just dont have enough punch i'd say. not to mention the flute that actually plays the melody.

You really need to make that melody stronger, but other than that i'ts a pretty cool track.

Jesse breaks down the situation as usual. Right now, the imbalance of the parts ruins the track's dynamics and makes it feel aimless, whereas a closer look at the arrangement shows that it's fine.

Dunno why you didn't sub this two years ago, you either would have made it or at least snagged some YESs and could have went for a resub involving some tweaks. If you can't go back to this one, it's a shame. A better balancing of the parts and some refined sample articulation would put this otherwise-passable arrangement over the line. Right now however, Damon, the production is ultimately lacking.

NO (borderline/resubmit)

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  • 1 month later...

You will find my remix posted on my website.

edit (actual vote):

your approach is right, and this is an admirable attempt to make things sound organic. However, the acoustic guitar and vibes samples are really cheesy. Part of the problem is how dry they are. A little verb could help that immensely, though I would look for better samples if you want to submit some more stuff.

This isn't bad, and you're definitely talented enough to get posted here. This track isn't gonna make it though.

Keep working on your production skills. Hope to hear more from you.


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