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ProSonic Engine Video Demonstration


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On YouTube, I have put up a video demonstrating some of the features of ProSonic. You can see it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXi_WOHXalE

ProSonic is a Sonic the Hedgehog game engine being built ground up (with the help of Allegro) that is aimed at replicating the original Sonic engine (Sonic 1-3) down to the tiniest details. It will be able to play levels from the old Sega Genesis Sonic games, as well as brand new levels that can take advantage of ProSonic's "advanced" features. All-in-all, the goal is to present a new platform to game designers to create their own Sonic games that look and play exactly like the old games, but have a fresh new appeal to them.

If you want to know more, my outline written back in October is still available for download:

DOC format (recommended if you can view it)

- http://www.comprosoftware.com/saxman/outline.doc

PDF format

- http://www.comprosoftware.com/saxman/outline.pdf

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Well I'm looking at this from different aspects:

- Graphics and level code

- Scripting code

- Player code

These are each 3 big areas of the engine. Graphics and level code is what I have been tackling for quite some time. The player code from the older ProSonic engine has been scrapped to allow me to focus on just getting the graphics and level stuff perfected first. I'd say we're about 60% on that aspect. The scripting code -- I'm going to use the AngelScript library to do that, but implementing it and compiling that is what I'm going to fight with. The player code will be last. Player code will be partially internal to the engine, and partially external (in a scripting file). Player code will be the most difficult task because it has to be the most percise as far as replicating the original Sonic games. I'm loaded with algorithms here, but putting them together can be very tricky.

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Oh no. This is terrible. Now you've given me the venue for making a really really horrible Touhou fangame. :razz:

This looks like it'll be awesome when it's done. I can't wait to see what it can do... and I can use it to practice level design, which I really suck at right now because I've never tried it.

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That's very impressive. Do you have a website?

I sure do -- http://dgrove.blogspot.com/

I use it to talk about a variety of things, but any ProSonic news and updates I have available will be put there first. Eventually when the engine is about to be released in complete form, I may launch an official ProSonic engine website. But for now my blog works.

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