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Hi, Ive recently made a submission of a mix that recieved an instant rejection. As per your letter, Ive made a few changes, consulted the WIP forums and IMed some of the remixers (including a judge). The feedback ive recieved has been extremely positive. The only criticisms are on minor technical aspects of the song, which all my critics agree shouldnt prevent it from reaching the judges. Ive gone through all of the various venues for improvement (WIP forums, IMing remixers/judges), and I havent found why my ReMix isnt reaching panel...more than anything, if this update doesnt reach the panel, Id like to know why specifically so I can work on whatever that area of weakness is. I would love to contribute my ideas to the OCR community.

Heres all my information:

* Dr. Rod

* Rod Turpin

* LightningRT@AOL.com

* http://lightningrt.googlepages.com/home

* User ID: 19945

ReMix Info

* Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow

* Team Rocket Hideout

* Composer:

* System: Game Boy

* URL of the original track:

* URL of MIDI of the original track: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/gameboy/PkmRB-Hideout.mid

My mix is "Rocket's Carnival". It has an eerie ghost carnival sound to it (a bit halloween-sounding in many places). Ive spent a good amount of time on it now, and with all the good comments Ive gotten so far, Im ready to submit it.

Heres the URL to the mix:


drums are...clumsy at best. why is there a cymbal on 1? You have some reasonable arrangement ideas, but the harmonic composition is too simple at this point. there are lots of segments when there's a doubled melody and nothing else. harmony gives context to the melody. give it a shot. A lot of the harmonic parts are a bit repetitive. aside from that, the drums need to be altered to have more subtlety and variation.



http://www.zophar.net/gbs/pokemonb.zip - Track 36

Wow, that's an ugly source tune, I'll say. Interested to see where you go with it.

Opens up with a shrill lead and some beats. Wow, those string runs entering at :16 sound ultra-fake and spastic. Off the bat, this sounds kind of ugly to be honest, and it stays like that the whole way through. I didn't mind the cymbals being on 1; it was different.

Right now the overall texture is relatively simplistic as well as really sparse despite the effects in play. There was some decent dynamic contrast from section to section, though that was mitigated by the thin soundscape.

Keeping in mind the genre change and the additional writing here, arrangement-wise the melodic work itself is too structurally similar to the original. You definitely need more depth with the melody, like Vigilante mentioned, plus further interpretation.


  • 4 weeks later...

I sincerely hope I'm not going to come across as a complete jerk, but I'm just going to level with you 100%

This is probably one of the most annoying tracks I've ever heard. I don't mean that as an insult, I'm just being frank. Had I been watching a strobe light while listening to this, I'm quite certain I would have a near-seizure.

I honestly lack the capacity to listen to this more than 3 times on loop. I give you honest props on attempting to tackle the source. But it's as Larry said in that you're mixing an ugly track to begin with, and so far the remix isn't too much easier on my ears.

I'm going to try to justify my vote with something that seems a little less biased now, as well as I can. The instrumentation is too thin and quirky. The overall hyperactivity of the notations were extremely distracting from... pretty much everything. Textures were really thin; coupled with the spaztic vibe, it just wasn't a very pleasing listening experience.


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