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With the recent revelation of remixers rarely checking this forum (I already knew this), I'm going to make my thread exciting (I already did this in the past!). So without further redundant paragraph ado, here are some tracks I think have a lot of potential. Like, way too much.

SH3 - I Want Love

SH2 - Alone in the Town

SH2 - Laura Plays the Piano

and uh, many more.

To congratulate yourself on reading my thread, here's 100 megs worth of the best Silent Hill tracks IN MY OPINION HEHA. Basically everything I said before this is pointless and all the songs in that rar are worth remixing in any style that doesn't suck. I think many people will enjoy these songs, but what do I really know.


With the recent revelation of remixers rarely checking this forum (I already knew this)

I though more people take up requests... That was a suprise to me really...

As was how AWESOME this music is.

Iv only played Silent Hill 1 once, and I played that on mute cos I had someone sleeping on the couch where I was playing it. I should try em again, but I dont really play many games now...

Im into structure atm (cant do much sound quality while my parents are visiting) so i'l see what I can shovel out, if anything. I got 4-5 songs I'm liking. I'l keep ya updated


freaking awesome man

I'm glad you like them. They're only some of the best songs ever created.

I've played the 1st and 2nd games and liked them. 3rd one was hard to stomach (I heard it gets better) so I didn't finish it, and I haven't played the 4th one. I couldn't really appreciate the music as much as I do at the moment. They're good songs, but in the game I didn't really notice them. Sometimes I just like to listen to the music and get my own visuals along with the ones provided in the game. Plus the boost in sound quality (album versions) is always nice. I never even heard Love Psalm in the game, which is weird.

Hm, checking out your Legend of Dragoon WIP again it sounds way better than last time for some reason. I like the synth sound; reminds me of the best song from Dew Prism, the forest song. Sounds like your style could potentially be great for SH! I don't think your LoD samples are on par with the original SH samples, but that's pretty much going to be a given for the majority of mixers on this site. Arrangement is always a start. See if you can succeed in the challenge of provoking the feeling out of your songs like the composer for SH does! I feel sometimes SH songs are a bit underdeveloped.

I think Dance with Night Wind could really use some higher octave awesomeness. The whole song is really low octave as far as the piano goes. Perhaps that gives it uniqueness, but it would be nice to hear another take on such an awesome lonesome theme.


There's no better SH song than the very first one ever heard by the fans: the Silent Hill theme, from the first game!

No kidding, I restarted my PS1 a few times to listen to it again before even taking a look at the game itself! =D

PS: haven't played SH4 yet? Don't do it. Every sequel, a little wor... ahn... less better than the previous!


I sort of agree. After I'm done listening to all the songs I like, when it starts back at the beginning I'm enjoying it way more than some of the others. The whole song is good, but my favorite parts are before it turns into James Bond. Mainly the accompanying piano sound.

Speaking of Some of the Others, I upgraded my audio mix of all the songs. Has a few more songs, too. (I neglected to say this before, but I've dedicated the whole audio mix to the unexpected passing of my friend's brother. It's sort of scary how some of the song titles in the 1st half represent the themes of said event.)


Well someone has picked up these tunes... ITS ME!!! (again)

I started one last time on 'Tears Of.....' and this one is turning out nicely. I dont know what your opinions will be on it, but I'l post what I can this afternoon.


Triplepost, but only because I dont want people who want to check a mix of this to miss out. Heres all I'm doing on this mix, its only about 2 hours work, and you can tell that quite a bits looped, and there are only 2 drum kits throughout (I barely filled one 14 channel mixer...) But its still good imo! Named after the initial requester too


Feedback plz :D


A bit underdeveloped, but I quite like the crunchy sound of the beats. They're pretty well done for being so repetitive (but they really should do some more things than going constantly "up and down" like that, if you know what I mean). I guess I wanted a not-so-genre-changing style, but that's more of a subconscious thing; the truth of the matter is some of these songs are getting old (just from overlistening---still doesn't change what I like about them musically) and could use some new styles anyway! And it's always nice to hear different renditions of songs that you enjoy (since it makes me reflect back and forth between the original and the remix), especially when it's something pretty new while at the same time being something I'm used to. I'm used to my OCRs sounding something like this :o

The too-loud quality of the guitar thing at the beginning kind of reminds me of how the original intentionally sounds of old quality. Something more could be done with those strings. I don't know. It has quite a bit of potential. Maybe I'll come back later and comment some more.

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